Time is going quickly here in Honduras and while there are so many seemingly hopeless situations here there is some awesome things taking place. The children here as Casa take for granted that Karen gets up at 5:30am each day to begin the day. This morning Dorian got up and left at 6am to take Rosie and Reina to town for Teleton. Lots of people put in long days with little or no pay to make these Casa kid's lives a little better.
Take Sunday for example, a man from around Teguc. came to gate here at Casa because his house was falling over the mountain in a mud slide. He came to Casa because he knew that people associated with Mark C. were here at Casa. This man has worked with Mark before but Mark is currently in US. so he showed up here after a several hour bus ride. The message was passed along and hopefully with donations, help will come. The people know that Mark C. helps people. No he does more than help people, he cares deeply about people and the people know that.
The people at the dump know that Marc T has began a ministry there and know that every Wednesday, there will be food.
And the children that i have seen grow and mature, it is so awesome to see those who could barely walk when they came to live here, now run and jump and attend kindergarten. And another who was quite a problem with throwing fits and biting and kicking, is now much calmer and no longer shows her anger through striking out with violence. Yes they misbehave still but not like they did when they first came. And the little one, Josue, Karen said that he was barely alive when the state took him. Today he sat on my lap and gave me kisses as I threatened to chew his toes. He runs everywhere and is possible getting spoiled. I am thankful that I have the awesome opportunity to glimpse these awesome examples of love. Please pray that God will continue to use Casa as an instrument of His love.