Sunday, February 21, 2010

What am I willing to sell?

Luke 12 is a difficult verse to follow. Jesus tells me to be generous, sell what I have and give to those who are without. At what point to I decide to sell what I have? I am waiting to accumulate more and more before I decide to give something to someone else. I can't say that I don't see anyone in need around me. The hurting are everywhere I go. I am blessed and while I give God the praise and thanksgiving for what I have. I keep what I have. I sometimes argue or discuss the finer points of The Bible with those around me to make sure that they get things "right'. But Luke 12 is pretty plain on what I should be doing. Not too much of a doubt as to what Jesus wants me to do, but do I?
When was the last time I showed sacrificial giving to my children? So I study stewardship I hope I get to the point that I can obey all of Jesus' teaching. So for now I am thinking and praying. Yes I have promised to give more in the offering plate, but where is the increase in my love for God's Kingdom? I am wandering when will I be willing to say, "here, take this and be blessed"?

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