Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 16th

Twenty eight years ago I gave birth to my middle child, Karen. Her name came from a story book that I had as a four year old. I always wanted a girl named Karen. I wanted Karen Kay but that got vetoed. I remember so clearly that labor and delivery of Karen. After a very fast labor for my first child, my doctor had cautioned me to come to hospital sooner rather than later. I remember my water breaking while I was sleeping and after calling the dr., was urged to come straight to hospital. no pains yet. I remember that my mom was there and she was in the labor room some of the time. I was sitting up in bed talking to her when my doctor came in and told me I had to lie down to have labor? The labor progressed to a point and then stopped and would not start again. At lunch time, my doctor came and told me that he would induce labor. Sounded good to me. Well inducing labor is quite an experience. I was asking for a nurse to catch the baby and they kept telling me to NOT to push. I finally told them that I was going to push and someone better catch the baby. The doctor got there just in time and Karen Diane Vaughan was born. She was long and skinny and beautiful. My mom and Dad were at hospital and got to see Karen as soon as she was born. She soon filled out and was almost a chubby baby. Her hair, light brown at birth soon changed to blond.
My Karen has always had a mind of her own. At times I thought she was very stubborn and at times my difficult child. She fell in love with her heavenly Father and used these personality traits to a positive result. Karen is such a contradiction at times.
She would be scared about being home alone but then left for a third world country to live. Karen never liked to drive and hated traffic and then she learned to drive a standard in Teguc (crazy driving capital of the world).
Karen has grown into a beautiful woman and she found the love of her life in Dorian. They really bring out the best in each other. While I miss spending birthdays with her, i know she is where she is supposed to be, doing what God created her to do.
Happy Birthday Karen Diane, your momma is proud of you.


Cortney said...

That is the sweetest post! You do have an awesome daughter Anita....ok I'm going to go cry now. Love you and Karen!

Unknown said...

That is so neat and what a wonderful gift to give Karen. Love ya

Anonymous said...

I am glad the doctor caught her in time. She is a blessing to many. Happy birthday, Karen! :) Sharon