Sunday, August 22, 2010

How many times can you start over?

I almost hate putting this in writing but I need to so that I can't back out of this. I need to start over with so many things, but at the forefront is my weight and health. So here is the plan. I am going to Honduras in November sometime and I am committing myself to losing some weight before I visit Karen and Dorian. So I have September and October, two months to buff myself up.
I know I can do nothing without God and with Him I can do anything so I am also starting over with my commitment to a reading plan of His word instead of what seems interesting at the moment.
So here goes:
I intend to each healthier
exercise more
spend more time in prayer daily
read consistently with a purpose, God's word

I will struggle and I need all of you to support me, pray for me, and hold me accountable. Even when I try telling you I didn't really mean it or I have had a hard day and want excused.
So how do I expect to get there?
well as for eating healthier, I will not eat any snacks out of the machine at work (ouch that is going to be difficult) I will not eat any potato chips and no candy. Oh I can already hear the gum drops calling me.
Those who doubt me, I don't blame you, but get this: I start a tai chi class this week. I don't know what it is but it is a start and it is free so I am taking a step of faith. So I am inviting any of you who want to follow me on this journey of insanity, Ok, even more insane. So when November rolls around and I land in Honduras, I will be so transformed, that the children will no longer pat my belly and call out "gordo".
For today, it has begun and I will win this battle one day at a time.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go girl and I will try to walk this journey with you....Lord Knows I need it! :) SLM