Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I am having a hard time getting it through my head the concept of true acceptance and respect. I mean I think I accept people and respect people. But as I am delving into scripture and this study of community, I realize that I don't even come close. Because you see, I am commanded to accept and respect and yes love as our Father does. So can I look at God's family and not see their faults? Can I hold a hand of a friend who is going through the same struggle that she has gone through numerous times before without thinking "When will she learn?" Then I am reminded that I have screwed up so many, many times and my Father just keeps loving me with the same patience and same acceptance as if I did not screw up again. Am I loving like that? Not yet. But I am becoming aware that I am called to.
At life group the another night we discussed being able to say "Use me" and mean it. I truly think this is the first time in my life that I truly mean that and am asking daily for god to use me. I am more aware of opportunities now with this mind set. Oh I am still screwing up a lot and catching myself thinking this is not what I should be doing, saying etc. But I am aware of more that I need to be doing. I am aware and that is the first step. so pray that I will keep my awareness and move ot the next step.

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