As I sit at the end of day; 8 hours of work, 1 1/2 hours union mtg and now waiting for BJ's Buddies to start visitation. I am less than energetic but still hopeful-
Hopeful that what we do makes a difference. I am hopeful that the elderly people that I visited through work will be a little less apprehensive because of my visits. But I know that in reality at least one lady is more apprehensive because I convinced her to let home health come in to home to monitor her meds for two weeks. Tonight she feels incompetent and worries that little by little she is losoing her independence---and the sad part is ....she is. I lift her before our Father tonight asking that He give her peace and safety. Hopefully I can be an instrument to help her have both. The union meeting was ok, but I often get tired of being president of my local but can't seem to give it up either. Tomorrow morning I will to to my boss with an uncomfortable conversation. Union members feel that someone is getting preferential treatment, I see a hurting heart that is struggling and being shown mercy. I hope to approach this conversation with humility and not out of superiority. Pray that I will chose the best words.
Sharon and BJ joined me at Wendys for supper and then we decided to go visit an elderly lady of our congregation. But while I was at Wendys, I received a phone call from Antonio. The words 'Hola grandma Anita" makes my heart smile. I smile as I talk with him and he wanted to know where I was. He did not like that I was at Wendys and he wanted Karen to take him. Unsure if he just though Wendys sounded good and he wanted some or he wanted to go to see me. I miss the little stinker. I can not express his voice brings to me. If I can find a pic of him I will post it today.
We were off to visit the lady but before I got there I received a call from on call worker asking about a client. Apparently my name was being given as a person who knew what was going on in a mother/daughter fight. The sad result was that the mother was admitted to psychiatic unit of hospital.
The lady we visited; Betty is such a sweetheart. She talked of how her husband and she were married for over 60 years before he passed away. She told of how he would bring her the dirty clothes to sort and she would find little notes within the dirty laundry that said "I love you". Even though a large part of me did not want to take the time tonight to visit for Bj's Buddies, I am glad that I did. I pray that others will join us next week so that we can brighten more people's lives.
After the visit we were talking about how scary/exiting it is to see God working in BJ's Buddies. I can't wait to see what else he has in store for us. I covet your prayers and stay tuned to see what God is going to do next!
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