I am going to try to do a better job at blogging. It helps me sort things. As for a recap; the fridge, stove, microwave and dishwasher are installed and operating. We redid the water line to fridge, tore out the built in oven, installed the range, hung microwave above range and installed the dishwasher. It was not without problems, but it is done.
This is exciting times and I think a time of opportunities for my spiritual life. Life is busy. Sharon and I are facilitating a ladies Life Group on Monday's nights and also facilitating a ladies support group on Tuesday nights. Both are going well. At church at Belpre we will begin 40 days of community on Sunday. To prepare for this some are doing a 40 hour fast that started tonight at 8p and will end on Sunday morning with communion. I have decided to fast, and pray that I will be humbled and strengthened and God will be honored. I want to use this blog to keep track of daily activities and focus. the Monday night group we have named BJ's Buddies as we meet at BJ's. Our group is going to complete 40 tasks for community; inside the church and out. The ladies are awesome and inspire me so much.
It is 9:18pm and I am already wanting to nibble on something. Not a good sign. Pray that our group and our church family will make a difference in our community during the upcoming days. I am ready for change in my life and ready to let God have his way in my heart and lead me where I need to go .
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