Mondays are Life Group nights for BJ's Buddies. It is an exciting time. we had 15 ladies there tonight. Boy is God answering prayers. I am excited and scared at the same time to see such evidence of God moving. Good discussion and everyone seemed uplifted. A couple more items to add to our list; a widow needs help washing windows and some more names of those wanting visits. God is good! ICor. 13 is mindboggling to me. It is incomprehensible that I could sell all that I have and give to the poor, or faith to move mountains, but without love, it is nothing. Wow. Love is why we are here. So that others will know that we are His. Not by baptism, or names on our church buildings, but by love. And not just love as in loving, Him. No they will know we are christians by how we love each other. Each person in our group tonight named someone that they will complete an act of love for in this next week. I picked a difficult person that I work with. You see I do not have a problem loving the poor, or neglected but I have a real problem loving those that are haughty or lazy. But I must learn to love as God loves; without conditions. Our group decided to start meeting on Thursdays to visit people. When people pray, use me....He does. Tonight as I head to bed, I want my precious children to know that I love them to the moon and back but no matter how much I love them, it pales in comparison to how much their heavenly father loves them. In understanding this, I understand how God can love me, His daughter, no matter how much I mess up. I am posting tonight a pic of my children, my life.
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