Hot and sunny in Bismark today. We celebrated Adam's birthday by spending it on the river. I actually had fun. It was unbelievable that Brennen at 4 was tubing by himself and Taylor was giving a try at water sking. The Missouri River is just as wide as the Ohio is at home.

But it is not as deep. There were several sand bars that we had to go around. One we stopped at and played on for a while. Tomorrow we leave Bismarck and head back to Grand Forks to Adam and Amandas house. I will put the link for the pics of yesterday and today. Payton is making up to me and letting me hug on him more.
Brennen is here wanting to write something so I will let him try.
WEll that was exciting. I am going to read and go to bed, goodness know what tomorrow will hold.

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