Monday, August 3, 2009

Crazy Week

VBS at church, funeral home tonight, funeral tomorrow, getting things done before heading to Columbus Thursday night. Lots of stuff pulling me this way and that. Trying to stay centered on God and realizing that all the "stuff" in the world will go away but God is forever. Very few things crowding into my life right now are "have to's" but I act as if they are. Is this a way for me to go round, beating my chest, saying look how busy I am, I must be important?
For tonight, I am putting away all outside things and concentrate on my Heavenly Father. I praise His majesty and sacredness. I reach out for His love and comfort. I listen for His gentle words, I read His word and lift up petitions and supplications to Him. For tonight I am hearing:
"Be still and know that I am God"

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