Wednesday, August 12, 2009

If it is Wednesday, I must be in Grand Forks

Today I have listened to news and heard people talking and I find myself getting confused and frustrated. I don't know a lot about the health care reform proposed but I know that we need health care reform. Health care costs continue to skyrocket with no end in sight. Where is the end of this? Drug companies pay to play by feeding thousands of physician's office's staff daily. Why? Shouldn't this be illegal? Yes we all say how proud we are to be Americans, but then don't trust America to make things better. I would like to see the issue of health care reform addressed by Congress. No predetermined outcomes, just see where we can correct things. Isn't it agreed that Health care is definitely not working as it is? So why do we try to scare people to convince them to not want health care? I am all for discussion; honest discussion, but I HATE people using fear to try to persuade people. If your opinion has logic then use it and quit trying to scare people.
And while I am complaining, I am so upset with Ohio and how it got so bad off financially. Our current budget is cutting vital, needed services to those that can least survive cuts. And then they tell us that there will be more cuts this fall. There is a quote that escapes me right now, but it basically says, that a society is judged by how they treat their most vulnerable, the very young and the helpless old. With this as a guide, Ohio is failing as a society.

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