Well I got to stay inside today. just talked to my kids and played with Brennen and held Payton. Besides that I was on internet and watched tv and ate every other moment. Life is good. Tomorrow the plan is to go buy a christmas tree and put it up. remember the daughter in National Lampoon? Where she almost froze while her family hiked for a tree? Well that will probably be me tomorrow. If we are lucky we might have a squirrel in our tree so we could laugh. Adam went back to work today. Brennen got up and asked where his daddy was. When I told him that he went to work, he said "but I want him here with me". He is definitely Daddy's boy. I wish i had one tenth of his energy. Watched part of the democratic debate today online ...thought provoking. The thing that stuck was that someone said and I dont even remember who; We as Americans need to be patriotic about something other than war. thought provoking, huh?
Also watched a movie about the Cuban missile crisis, scary. It is 2 degrees outside air temp. It is never above zero with wind chill. I am starting to spaz about Christmas.....so much to do. I am sure Brian will help a lot once he gets home first of week. I think we will give Lisa Griswald, but dont tell her, so she will be surprised. Brian,,,not too sure maybe some underwear and socks. For Karen, probably some more pillows for her bed. It only takes around 10-14 minutes to clear her bed at bedtime. Well it is beauty sleep time...
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