How did it get to be December? Last I knew it was4th of July. This time of year gets a person to thinking and I am thinking through writing. Last night I watched my favorite college football team lose. Not sure how it happened. WVU only had to beat a sub par team and then play for the national championship. WVU has so much talent and is such an awesome team, but last night they did not play like one. The anxiety that I felt in the final quarter and the disappointment at the end of the game was very real. How could such a good team have such a bad night?
How many bad nights have I had? How many nights has my heavenly father sat and watched me be less than I am capable of? Probably several.
Church this morning was thought provoking, giving instead of receiving. We were reminded that we need to make a list for giving just like receiving? Well I am making my list, this is my fantasy list of what I would love to give.
I would give the Red Cross in Marietta a new modern building and call it the Jan Packer building after an awesome woman. I would give Community Action enough money to have no waiting list for meals on wheels delivery. And to my mom I would give her an on call aide to drive her where ever she wanted to go, clean whatever she wanted or just spend time with her. And my children, Lisa would have a lovely condo near work and Brian would have free air miles to visit whenever he wants. For Karen I would give her an unlimited bank account for Casa and those wonderful grand children of mine. Jason and Jen would have a wonderful large home with a big fenced yard and Amanda and Adam would own their own day care chain that would make a difference in so many children's lives. Every elderly person in Washington County I would give home help twice a week and someone to visit them too. To show my selfishness, I want something for myself. A soup kitchen/transitional homeless shelter for families.
I love to dream but dreams are the first step to making it reality. My reality of what I want to give this season is
gifts to the elderly that I deal with daily, gifts of socks, gloves and hats.
and for the ones that have those things I want them to have something that makes them feel special and thought of. I want to make a huge Christmas dinner and with help of others deliver meals to some special people. I am not alone in these types of wishes, everyone I know wants to make a difference to others I am lucky that I have those around me that will assist me and encourage me. Tomorrow is the first day of the week and there are many things to be done, I need to get the annual poinsettia to my mother, you see Dec. 1st was Mom and Dad's anniversay and I have given her one each year. And to my special sister who is having a birthday on Tuesday I give one also. She is spending her birthday in Amish country, a gift from her husband. Tuesday I am having supper with a wonderful group of women who inspire me. A busy week but a thankful week. One that I can use to spend with exceptional people that God has blessed me with. I am rambling, so I will close. I will post a pic of one of my Honduran grandchildren........
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