Amanda and Sharon stayed home to wrap some Santa gifts, so I stayed to lend support and rock Payton. Honestly, Amanda put on National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and everyone just ran away. Oh well, Amanda and I enjoyed it, and I still laugh out loud at the squirrel in the christmas tree. My mind is going a hundred directions and not getting very far with any of them. Karen and Dorian have set a wedding date for March 7th. But before I worry about that I have Christmas and so much to do. I dread leaving Amanda and her family (even though Adam did bring up Family Fun Center during supper) If it wasn't for the cold I could stay forever. Payton is a perfect little guy and so cute. Brennen crawled up beside me after returning from outside play and fell asleep. I placed him in my lap and it was just like old times except he doesn't fit in my lap anymore. Boy time flies...
Speaking of which, my baby is on his way home from Searcy and I worry about road conditions. Wasn't it just a couple years ago that he slept in my arms? And Karen is getting married....and Lisa is all grown up and responsible....God has blessed me with wonderful children. I think he took pity at my inadequate skills and blessed me with special children.
I talked to Dorian online today and he is so awesome and so cute. When we can't see each others faces it makes it hard to tell when we are teasing each other. He is such a good guy!
Being here with Amanda and Adam has been so awesome. They are so happy and are such good parents. I don't know how they do it. Adam was definitely an answer to prayers as I believe Dorian is tambien. I have done nothing but eat since I got here, so I may not fit into worker clothes.
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