Thursday, July 30, 2009

This sounds like me!!!!

"Having a second home afloat is nothing new. But some recent developments at sea can alleviate the traditional concerns of maintenance and storage, as well as the challenge of open-boat living for people who have little or no sailing expertise."

The most revolutionary floating option is The World, the first and only condo cruise ship, where second-home owners visit dozens of destinations from Anchorage to Acapulco, San Francisco to Sydney, Vancouver to Vladivostok. The ship launched in 2002, and by 2006 all 165 apartments had been sold, buyers lured by the mantra "Travel the World Without Leaving Home."

Loved this story. I mean you get to stay at home (your condo) but your home visits other countries.......I hope Brian gets a good job after graduation to buy me a condo on a cruise ship!!!

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