Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Proverbs 21:31

" You can get the horses ready for battle, but it is the Lord who gives the victory"

This was in my Bible reading tonight and really stuck with me. How many times do I think that it is me winning the victory? And then other times, I want the victory given to me, but I am too lazy to get the horses ready? My heavenly Father is just waiting on me, cheering me on, waiting for me to come before him ready for battle. I like to think positively but in reality it becomes more evident each day just how prevalent evil is in our world. So for tonight ( and hopefully a couple more days) I will keep this scripture forefront in my mind. this scripture reminds me that there is a battle and I can be prepared or not. It also reminds me that God gives me everything I need, the horses and everything I need to prepare to come before Him, but remembering that it is He that guarantees and wins the victory.

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