Thursday, July 30, 2009
This sounds like me!!!!
The most revolutionary floating option is The World, the first and only condo cruise ship, where second-home owners visit dozens of destinations from Anchorage to Acapulco, San Francisco to Sydney, Vancouver to Vladivostok. The ship launched in 2002, and by 2006 all 165 apartments had been sold, buyers lured by the mantra "Travel the World Without Leaving Home."
Loved this story. I mean you get to stay at home (your condo) but your home visits other countries.......I hope Brian gets a good job after graduation to buy me a condo on a cruise ship!!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
July 29th

July 29th is a special day for two very special people in my life. It is my sister's anniversary. It has been 35+ years since they said "I do". My sister took care of me a lot when I was a child and when I had rheumatic fever and couldn't walk, she carried me on one hip. She always said she was one sided from this! When she began to work and have some money, she would always take me to BBF for a "Borden Burger". She bought her own clothes and would let me borrow some of the tops, sometimes. So my sister has always been important to me. But when I was going through one of the most difficult times of my life, she and her husband were my rock. They believed in me when I thought I had no value and could never succeed at anything. I went back to college and she was my loudest cheerleader. She sent me cards continuously urging me on and telling me how proud she was of me. She loved my children, and would spend time with them doing silly things. My brother in law is from Brooklyn and likes to pretend he is tough, but with me he has always gone out of his way to be a sweetheart. He paid me to mow grass just so I could have some money and he bought me a car and let me take forever to pay him for it.
So for today I want to express my gratitude and love for these very special people in my life. They managed to assist me when times were tough while still letting me keep my dignity. They believed in me until I finally believed in myself. There is nothing that they would not do to help me or my children. I have been so blessed with riches that surround me and two of them just happen to be called Sue & Bill
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Proverbs 21:31
This was in my Bible reading tonight and really stuck with me. How many times do I think that it is me winning the victory? And then other times, I want the victory given to me, but I am too lazy to get the horses ready? My heavenly Father is just waiting on me, cheering me on, waiting for me to come before him ready for battle. I like to think positively but in reality it becomes more evident each day just how prevalent evil is in our world. So for tonight ( and hopefully a couple more days) I will keep this scripture forefront in my mind. this scripture reminds me that there is a battle and I can be prepared or not. It also reminds me that God gives me everything I need, the horses and everything I need to prepare to come before Him, but remembering that it is He that guarantees and wins the victory.
Monday, July 27, 2009
After work I went to visit my mom who is having problems with her left hip hurting her. She was just getting back to full throttle after her knee replacement and is once again walking with a cane. She is in really good shape for her age and sharp mentally too. But I think the pain pills she is on is dulling her wit a little right now. Hoping she gets better soon.
Bible study tonight we talked about detours in our life, in our study of knowing God's will. This group of ladies continue to encourage and strengthen me. I am so glad that even things someone meant for evil, God means for good. There is nothing that touches me that my heavenly father can not make for good for me. I have a couple open doors right now. I am trying to take things slowly and pray and seek God's will......So as I wind down on this Monday night, I think Jesus for redeeming my life.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Thought Provoking.....
One of America’s most loyal Latin American allies—Honduras—has been in the midst of a constitutional crisis that threatens its democracy. Sadly, key undisputed facts regarding the crisis have often been ignored by America’s leaders, at least during the earliest days of the crisis.
In recent days, the rhetoric from allies of former President Manuel Zelaya has also dominated media reporting in the U.S. The worst distortion is the repetition of the false statement that Mr. Zelaya was removed from office by the military and for being a “reformer.” The truth is that he was removed by a democratically elected civilian government because the independent judicial and legislative branches of our government found that he had violated our laws and constitution.
Let’s review some fundamental facts that cannot be disputed:
• The Supreme Court, by a 15-0 vote, found that Mr. Zelaya had acted illegally by proceeding with an unconstitutional “referendum,” and it ordered the Armed Forces to arrest him. The military executed the arrest order of the Supreme Court because it was the appropriate agency to do so under Honduran law.
• Eight of the 15 votes on the Supreme Court were cast by members of Mr. Zelaya’s own Liberal Party. Strange that the pro-Zelaya propagandists who talk about the rule of law forget to mention the unanimous Supreme Court decision with a majority from Mr. Zelaya’s own party. Thus, Mr. Zelaya’s arrest was at the instigation of Honduran’s constitutional and civilian authorities—not the military.
• The Honduran Congress voted overwhelmingly in support of removing Mr. Zelaya. The vote included a majority of members of Mr. Zelaya’s Liberal Party.
• Independent government and religious leaders and institutions—including the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, the Administrative Law Tribunal, the independent Human Rights Ombudsman, four-out-of-five political parties, the two major presidential candidates of the Liberal and National Parties, and Honduras’s Catholic Cardinal—all agreed that Mr. Zelaya had acted illegally.
• The constitution expressly states in Article 239 that any president who seeks to amend the constitution and extend his term is automatically disqualified and is no longer president. There is no express provision for an impeachment process in the Honduran constitution. But the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision affirmed that Mr. Zelaya was attempting to extend his term with his illegal referendum. Thus, at the time of his arrest he was no longer—as a matter of law, as far as the Supreme Court was concerned—president of Honduras.
• Days before his arrest, Mr. Zelaya had his chief of staff illegally withdraw millions of dollars in cash from the Central Bank of Honduras.
• A day or so before his arrest, Mr. Zelaya led a violent mob to overrun an Air Force base to seize referendum ballots that had been shipped into Honduras by Hugo Chávez’s Venezuelan government.
• I succeeded Mr. Zelaya under the Honduran constitution’s order of succession (our vice president had resigned before all of this began so that he could run for president). This is and has always been an entirely civilian government. The military was ordered by an entirely civilian Supreme Court to arrest Mr. Zelaya. His removal was ordered by an entirely civilian and elected Congress. To suggest that Mr. Zelaya was ousted by means of a military coup is demonstrably false.
Regarding the decision to expel Mr. Zelaya from the country the evening of June 28 without a trial, reasonable people can believe the situation could have been handled differently. But it is also necessary to understand the decision in the context of genuine fear of Mr. Zelaya’s proven willingness to violate the law and to engage in mob-led violence.
The way forward is to work with Costa Rican President Oscar Arias. He is proposing ways to ensure that Mr. Zelaya complies with Honduras’s laws and its constitution and allows the people of Honduras to elect a new president in the regularly scheduled Nov. 29 elections (or perhaps earlier, if the date is moved up as President Arias has suggested and as Honduran law allows).
If all parties reach agreement to allow Mr. Zelaya to return to Honduras—a big “if”—we believe that he cannot be trusted to comply with the law and therefore it is our position that he must be prosecuted with full due process.
President Arias’s proposal for a moratorium on prosecution of all parties may be considered, but our Supreme Court has indicated that such a proposal presents serious legal problems under our constitution.
Like America, our constitutional democracy has three co-equal and independent branches of government—a fact that Mr. Zelaya ignored when he openly defied the positions of both the Supreme Court and Congress. But we are ready to continue discussions once the Supreme Court, the attorney general and Congress analyze President Arias’s proposal. That proposal has been turned over to them so that they can review provisions that impact their legal authority. Once we know their legal positions we will proceed accordingly.
The Honduran people must have confidence that their Congress is a co-equal branch of government. They must be assured that the rule of law in Honduras applies to everyone, even their president, and that their Supreme Court’s orders will not be dismissed and swept aside by other nations as inconvenient obstacles.
Meanwhile, the other elements of the Arias proposal, especially the establishment of a Truth Commission to make findings of fact and international enforcement mechanisms to ensure Mr. Zelaya complies with the agreement, are worthy of serious consideration.
Mr. Zelaya’s irresponsible attempt on Friday afternoon to cross the border into Honduras before President Arias has obtained agreement from all parties—an attempt that U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appropriately described as “reckless”—was just another example of why Mr. Zelaya cannot be trusted to keep his word.
Regardless of what happens, the worst thing the U.S. can do is to impose economic sanctions that would primarily hurt the poorest people in Honduras. Rather than impose sanctions, the U.S. should continue the wise policies of Mrs. Clinton. She is supporting President Arias’s efforts to mediate the issues. The goal is a peaceful solution that is consistent with Honduran law in a civil society where even the president is not above the law.