“I cried all the way to Houston” sounds like the words to a country song. However it was my life today. Karen and Dorian took us to the airport after we said final good byes to the children and staff at Casa. Everything went well until it was time to go through security and leave Karen. & Dorian. No matter how prepared I think I am I still cry at goodbyes. The gentleman checking my passport just smiled and shook his head as tears streamed down my face. Then for security, which I passed fine after I remembered to take my cell phone out of my pocket. I still couldn’t see very well at this time due to my tears. Sharon got stopped in security and they searched her purse. They took her fingernail clipper set and she was just happy that she made it down there with it so she had it to use while in Honduras. We could still see Karen & Dorian through glass wall as they went down the stairs and exited the terminal. We then went clear to the end of the gate area where we watched through tinted windows as they went to their car. As they were preparing to drive out of airport, we began waving and sure enough they spotted us and returned the wave.
We settled in to wait for our flight. I visited a shop and was tempted to buy a Honduras map that had Santa Ana on it until I learned the price was $5. I figured I could get one of the internet for free.
Takeoff was fine, but I could not stop weeping. Tears fell down my face and those around me afforded me the dignity of not mentioning it. So yes I did indeed cry all or most of the way to Houston. Just couldn’t seem to get past the sadness.
While at Houston I called Brian and just the sound of hearing his voice made me weepy again. When I called Lisa she was with someone so it was a quick call and I didn't have a chance to get weepy. Later I called my Mom and she told me that Lisa had already called her to tell her that I was in USA. She was involved with activities of looking for a first time house to buy and she stopped to call Grandma........ok, Lisa had me weeping also.
God has seen fit to bless me with three fantastic children who have taken risks instead of taking the easy way out and I am so proud of them. The day I left Lisa at OU twisted my heart. I know she was scared but she stuck it out and look at her now! Karen started taking risks in ever widening circles; San Diego, Denver and then Honduras. Brian knew what he wanted and he enrolled in college in Arkansas, a long way from home, family and friends. I am so thankful for the honor and privilege of being Mom to these three exceptional adults. And as if that was not enough treasures that God blessed me with, he gave me another son in Dorian. he loves God and adores Karen, what more could you want? So as I am flying back to home, yes I am still weeping because this is what love does. It leaves marks on your heart and I wouldn't have it any other way.
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