Today started with making baloney sandwiches and we then took a trip to the city dump of Tegucigalpa. Trucks are continuously pulling in and dumping. As we entered the dump area, people started running to the truck. We handed out one sandwich with an orange and then they were given a glass of water. They appeared more thirsty than hungry almost. They were very polite and mostly men and boys but there were enough young women with babies to make it even sadder. I took pictures and a couple short videos but they do not do it justice. Some of the people do not live at the dump but come to pick through and find plastic bottles to recycle for money. But some were covered in what appeared to be immense layers of dirt. There were birds and cows feeding on the garbage and people actually fighting them for items. I think of a few times that I have had to go through my own trash because I lost something. That was gross to me. But to go through others garbage and have their garbage as your food? And then I think of medical trash and the like and wonder how any stay healthy at the dump long. There were some cardboard boxes where it appeared that some were staying. Giving them a sandwich, orange and cup of water is so appreciated. But in Honduras, one doesn't have to go to a dump to see hungry, dirty people with really no place to live. It is everywhere.
After the dump we went to a domestic violence shelter's store. It is called the firefly. They make beautiful candles and sell. By doing this they are teaching the ladies how to earn money and the money from the sale of the candles is used for the shelter. I considered it an honor to purchase a candle and make a small donation.
After that we went to a shop in downtown Teguc that specializes in pewter. They also have Lenca pottery which is quite beautiful. I guess Lencas is a type of indians here in Honduras.
We heard someone yell at Karen and we turned to see Rudy outside the store. Rudy used to live at Casa de Esperanza but ran away. He finally returned to his mother where he sleeps at night but during the day, he runs the streets and begs. He was taken from streets since he left Casa and placed in a state orphanage but he has ran away. Rudy was with a couple other boys and I was fearful that he would not say much with his friends being there. He waited outside the store for probably 30 minutes. And he gave me a hug when I asked for one and let me get a picture of him and me.

So for tonight I am feeling tired and thankful. I am thankful that I have been blessed beyond my wildest imagination. I am like one of those people at the dump, searching for what I think is a way to survive but my heavenly Father is standing there constantly, not just occasionally, with a sip of water and a banquet prepared for me. All I have to do is just be there and take what he gives, just like the people at the dump. Am I thankful? Or do I just come to expect that he will be there before I give up and it is all expected. Or do I think I make my own way by "doing"? At those times I am just as silly as those in the dump searching through others garbage to survive.
I am also reading a Joyce Meyer book, and tonight I read about kindness. Their was a definition that you weren't being kind if you thought the other person deserved "niceness". Being kind was to be nice to those that you feel do not deserve it. Ouch! Thanks, I needed that one. All of those that I care about in Ohio, please be careful on the roads and know that I am not missing it one bit!
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