I woke up to another beautiful day in Honduras. I eventually made it over to where the childre
n are and Karen had them all practicing writing their names. A couple small ones just make marks and pretend that they are. Cindy was proud of hers so I took a pic of it.
Cindy is devious, sometimes mean, always up to something but I love her dearly. She is very intelligent and hopefully her strong will will be used for God and not for bad.
I have been through some tough times with
We walked to a local park and let the children play. They appeared to have lots of fun and I will post some pics of them playing there.
This afternoon I was able to read some more (I have finished two already) and Karen fixed supper. I think she was afraid that Dorian would leave her if I cooked again. I helped Karen stock the store at Casa with chips etc. as today the frito lay man came. Let me tell you Frito Lay in the states has been holding back on us. They make all kind of stuff that we never see. And Karen says the bread man comes tomorrow. Can't wait to see what they have.
What is peace? Do I have it? Do I chase after it? Sometimes I just pray for peace but fail to do the things in my life that will bring me peace. Like repeating gossip, judging others and just negative thinking. So for today I am trying to practice self-control so that I will have more peace.
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