Thursday, September 11, 2008

Life is Crazy

I keep thinking that life and work is crazy and I can not do all I need to do and then it hits me, duh! I never could I just though I could. It has always been God. I do not do a very good job of depending on my heavenly Father. I read His word today at lunch to try to focus on depending on Him. I know He is in control but I don't always act like it. but I am growing and learning and hopefully I will get it before long. Work was crazy and I became very angry at the inability of some of our "systems" to protect our weakest. I hope I always get upset at injustice but pray that I learn to work towards solutions.
The current political campaigns anger me in that lies and innuendo carry more weight than issues and truth. words are cheap and anybody can say anything. But who is going to stand up for those who have no one to fight for them? Who is going to make sure that our elderly are valued and money to insure their safety? Political party doesn't matter to me, what matters to me is the truth and integrity in which they have lived their lives. Sorry that I am on a soap box today. I ended my day giving a statement to police that caused them to charge a 10 year old girl with domestic violence. Pray for this girl and her family. Pray for me that I will continue to look to my Heavenly Father, from where all good comes..........

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