Saturday, September 6, 2008

Home Sweet Home

'We made it to Lisa's yesterday evening and helped her get her new bed to her apartment, up the stairs and assembled. We had to open the bed and carry it up in pieces as it was so heavy. It really looks good now and it is the least that we could do since she kept Griswald for us. He was happy to see us, much more than we were to see him. But I think Lisa was happiest of all :) We visited Jason on the way home from Columbus and Kyle is really getting tall. He has the most innocent little smile. When we got here, we carried in stuff today for a while. I guess choices have consequences and we should not have shopped so much. Sat down and watched the Ohio State-Ohio University game and even though OU lost they were so awesome. then WVU lost to a lesser team. Who would have thought that Ohio U would be the bright spot today.
Talked to Karen online and she is good. Talked to Brian and Lisa on phone and they are good. Tonight I am glad to be home and thankful that home feels so good. Vacation was good, but home is better, even if it is with Griswald:)

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