Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A thought

In the paraphrase "The Message" I read this morning that if I get paid for what work I do then I am paid wages but if the work is such that I can not complete it on my own then what I am paid is a gift. Well I am definitely receiving "gifts" every other Friday. There is no way that I could do my job on my own with my abilities and skills. God gives me courage daily to go into difficult situations and He also gives me compassion and gentleness with people that I want to hurt. Some days I am more receptive to His help than others and there are some days that I rely only on my "skills" and I fail miserably.
I am excited that Monday night Life Group is still growing and we are growing closer to God and to each other. HOPE group on Tuesdays reminds me of how God can heal emotional wounds, wound of a person's soul that was caused by persons who should have loved not hurt.
Daily I am reminded of the love that our heavenly Father shows us and that same love, I struggle with daily to pass on. For tonight I am so thankful that God forgives me daily for my shortcomings and accepts me where I am but calls me to walk more fully in the light.

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