Wednesday, May 14, 2008


My devo journal for tonight mentioned a sobering thought. It smacked me right in the face once again. It mentioned that Prayer in church worship is often like the national anthem in a ball game. You wouldn't think of starting without it but it has little to do with what happens afterwards. As group facilitators we are asked to come up with a goal for our life group. Tossing around some ideas and I am looking at developing an intimacy with God and each other. After reading today's devo journal, I an thinking maybe to focus on prayer. Simply put, when you pray with and for people you develop intimacy. And you become real with each other. I will pray on this but think this is maybe our goal. Develop intimacy through prayer.
I think work today was just enough to realize how far behind I am without getting to get any of it caught up. But it will work out and I have two more days this week to get caught up some. We are getting ready for negotiations at work and that will require some time and thought from me. So for now I have Monday night life group, Tuesday night HOPE group (every other week) and now pre-negotiation meetings. But you know what? It is all good. Each one of these is a chance for me to serve. God gives me so many opportunities to minister, oftentimes I miss them but for now I am right where I want to be. Hope that you are feeling good about where you are in this journey through life. :)

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