Tuesday, February 5, 2013

New Year

I am not one for New Year's Resolutions.  I have taken the month of January to try to decide what I want to accomplish during 2013.  No huge decisions but I find myself making lists in my mind, kinda bucket lists for the year.  I will hopefully even add to them as I go along.  I will start with a few:

List for relationships
1.  Make sure those who I love know how important they are to me
2.  Spend one day or weekend, one on one with each of my children and those that are my family
3.  Speak words of value to those that I do value
4.  Pray for those that I am in relationship with

List for things to change:
1.  Erase all euphemisms from my language
2.  Eat healthier (a whole list in itself)
      change from margarine to butter
       make more food from scratch/limit additives
       eat more fish
       choose "healthy" junk food
3.  Give more of my resources to God
4.  Be more who I am
5.  Have lots more fun
6.  Study Bible more intensely
7.  Pray more specifically
8.  Lean on God more
9.  Make lots of home made items (soaps, granola, etc.)
10.  Cut down on disposables
11.  Buy less new

Well that is enough to hold me accountable for a while.  If anyone wants, feel free to tell me when you find me not keeping my list.  I want to live each day fully with all the passion I have.  I want to serve my heavenly father and develop a closer relationship with him.  I feel that I am on the cusp of witnessing awesome things by God.  


Anonymous said...

You go girl! Try to walk this journey with you. "All things are possible." :) Sharon

Phyllis Stacy said...

This is what I'm doing now as well. I don't blog because don't feel like I want to manage a message every month. Any questions just ask me. I make my own granola, bread, pizzas. etc. Buy homemade soaps and green teas. Looking forward to my summer garden where that is all we eat from!