Today i was lazy. I actually went back to bed after Korbin woke up for day at 7am. Dorian took him and I headed back to slumberland. I thought I barely dozed off but I looked at my phone and it was 9am. I could have slept all day but I got up then. Karen had to tell me that would be like sleeping in until 11 at home.............hmm
I am going to try to post some pics here. One of the Guido's soon after I got up, one of Korbin sucking his thumb and put himself to sleep, and one of the 4th graders getting help with homework.
When I call Korbin's name he will look at me and I can make him smile. He was the cutest ever going to sleep laying on blanket on porch, sucking on his thumb. I think he is gonna be as cute as his grandma.
The children here at the home are always into something. Yesterday one of the staff was changing back into good clothes to catch the long bus ride home. When she went to get her new shoes to wear home, she found them drenched in water. She was devastated and crying (she never cries) She finally wore a pair of flip flops home and the shoes stayed here to dry. Karen and Dorian did their best to find the culprit. All circumstantial evidence points to Katy but they hated to punish on circumstantial. Today the five 4th graders came home with homework of long division. None knew how to do it. The staff working today are not able to do division so Karen and Dorian brought them to their back porch and at this time are still helping them. They have to make up their own problems and then do them correctly. Surprising to me, is Fernando. He thinks through in his head and makes his problems so that they come up even, no remainders. I think he has it down. The girls however are lost. I could never ever do this daily. Then there are the other almost twenty students with homework, including Rosa who is deaf/mute and she requires a lot of one on one work to do homework. Rosa may be the most intelligent child at Casa. If they can just direct it for good.
Then there is the child of my heart; Cindy Lou. Cindy failed her grade and is repeating fourth grade. Cindy has the capability of one day either being first lady president of Honduras or a mass murderer. It is too early to tell. These children require and demand so much time and attention that it makes me weary just watching others care for them. Through no fault of their own, they are wounded and damaged, living in a country with so safety nets and I wonder where they will end up as adults.
Then my mind wanders back to home and it seems such a sin of omission to continue to let those living in our communities do without. If each person in my church family could give 100 a month, there would be so much less hunger. And if they gave one hour each week, we would start seeing a difference. I feel that Belpre church is on the cusp of doing community and ministry like Jesus intended. I love my church family and can't wait to rejoin them in changing our world. But for now, I am content holding Korbin and making him smile or giggle seems like manna from heaven. Bye for now............