Saturday, January 29, 2011

We Really Are Terrific....Celebrate It!!! :)

An excerpt from
Oh Thank Goodness, It's Not Just Me!
by BJ Gallagher

It's so easy for women
to slip into self doubt
and feeling inadequate.
After all,
we shoulder a lot of responsibilities -
being supportive of our mates,
nurturing our children,
staying in touch with extended family,
holding down jobs
while holding down the fort at home.

No wonder we sometimes feel
second guessing ourselves.

We need to know
we're not alone.
We need to hear
that other women
share our experiences.

"Atta girl" never sounded so sweet
as when coming from the lips
of another woman.
She understands,
she's been there, done that.
She gets it -
she gets me.

We take turns
cheering one another on.

We learn to do it for ourselves, too.
Just reach right over your shoulder, girl,
and pat yourself on the back.

You're terrific,
and you and I both know it.

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