Have you ever had so much

For starters, have you found yourself in a certain situation with the weather just so and at that moment in time, everything seemed perfect?
Well I went through Dairy Queen Drive thru and while taking my first taste of my fabulous Pecan Mudslide I fell in love. The car lot next to DQ has this awesome looking 09 Camaro. It is SS V8 and as I looked at it, the sun was shining just right and it gleamed and seemed to be calling my name, (alright, maybe it was me groaning). but in that moment, all was right with the world and life was beautiful.
That car was all I talked about for weeks with anyone. I tried to talk Brian out of his final year of college so that I could put a down pament on this beauty. Well I talked about it so much at work that my supervisor called the car lot and gave me the details. The price tag is merely $41,500.
Oh well, I love to dream. I believe that without dreaming, we do not achieve. We must picture what we want in detail and then go about the how to get there. Ok, I will not come up with a plan for buying the Camaro, but I have dreamed and achieved. A short while ago, I was unemployed, newly divorced and wondering what I would do with my life. I dreamed of college and helping others. No one would have put money on me at that point. Well, today I have a college degree and get paid to help people. How awesome is that? so remember to dream and dream big, with God, all things are possible. I have tried to convince myself that I could use the camaro for evangelism, but does not feel like good stewardship:)

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