Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I have kept my opinions to myself during the last year and a half leading up to the election. But these days, I am less interested in what others think and more concerned that I speak my heart. All I have heard lately is how we must vote our faith and values. Well I thought and prayed about the election and I voted for Obama and I feel that I did vote my faith and values. Christian values to me are more than abortion and gay marriage. They are about value in ALL human life. What about the people in Darfur and the innocent killed in wars? And also the really difficult one, what about death row? If human life is valuable then who are we to decide which lives are valuable? I think the moment I heard the interview that Rick Warren had with both candidates, Obama had me. When he talked frankly about his belief in Jesus and that his sins were covered by Jesus sacrifice I was intrigued. Values? My values are for the disenfranchised, the poor, the lonely the unloveables. And sorry I don't get scared at a redistribution of wealth. I am tired of seeing the poor get poorer. I am also tired of "fixes" like Medicare Part D which only give another hoop to jump through. This great program automatically signed seniors up for plans that would not cover the specific meds that they were on. I don't like labels like liberal, conservative, democrats, republicans. Too often I have found that we use labels to limit people and take their power away. I have been ashamed of emails that I have received concerning Obama such as his being a muslim, won't wear a flag pin, won't put his hand over heart during pledge of allegiance. I am never disappointed by someone with a differing opinion but I am disappointed when people use fear and hatred to get their way. So while I am cautiously optimistic for this president I realize that no one can change everything. This is a monumental moment for our country when you realize that history was made. For today I am glad the emails and commercials are over and we can all pray that God will lead our leaders and our country back to HIM. Born Hopeless, Lovingly redeemed, Chasing Him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go girl!!! AMEN!!! I am tired of listening to "Christians" who did not bother to watch the Rick Warren interview and did not see how McCain dodged the questions. I am tired of the accusations of Obama being Muslim and the antichrist. I am tired of the racist comments and the fear some are expressing over him being president. Some are concerned over his minister and associates...yet I did not hear personal attacks about his character or that he cheated on his wife as McCain did. God used Paul, he can use Obama....We do not believe in God's power enough!