Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A time of concern

Everywhere I go and everyone I talk to is talking about the uncertainty of the times. this is a time that both the well off and poor are concerned about their future. Everywhere I go, I hear that times are tough. I do ache for those that truly do without and do not know where they are going to come up with money for meds or food that is needed on their special diets. These people need all the help that we can give them. But most of us, and I include myself; are maybe eating out a little less and worrying as we watch the stock market plummet and our money on paper decreasing daily. I attended a college football game and it was filled with people who had spent a lot of money on tickets, tailgating, etc. Pass any restaurant and you still find people waiting to be seated. So while we might be affected by less in our portfolios when we retire, the really needy are "retired" but have no money to care for themselves. Political commercials right now make you want to not vote...........For tonight I pray that all of us will pray about our voting and pray for the ones who have so little around us.

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