Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Life is short

Dying is a sure thing, but why do we, especially me not live like that? Why do I pretend that I have forever to do and be, while each day is precious. What prevents me from living fully each day? I am trying to look at each moment differently and appreciate it for what it is and not what comes next or what happened last week. why is it that when I finally get around to doing things differently, life seems harder? Work is crazy. Before it was tough and busy but it has got worse this week and now I just sorta feel like there is no way to succeed. I know that this will pass but right now, this is where I find myself while I am trying to live more fully:)
If I live like I am dying, then I will tell my children how much I admire them.
Lisa, your independence and tenacity is an inspiration to me. Karen, your energy makes me tired to think about and Brian, your ability to focus on what you want is phenomenal. And Dorian, your ability to adapt and find joy everywhere is such a gift. I love you all beyond any words I can write. Pray that I can learn to live each day, fully and completely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are an inspiration to all of us and I know the dash in your life is filled with lives you have touched. Hang in there with work and remember it is just a small part of your dash but alot of the elderly are glad they are a part of it and have you to protect them. :) Shar