Well the trip to Honduras is over but the journey of life continues. I will continue to use this blog to write updates on Karen and the children and also on my life. After all this blogging is a way for me to process by life, and it is cheaper than therapy. I am missing Karen and the Casa kids. On Friday I got a call saying" Grandma 'nita, poo poo in el bano." See you don't even have to know spanish to know that Antonio is moving closer to being potty trained. He was so excited so I gave him a "bon bon" long distance. When Karen got on the phone I gave her directions to give him the sucker from me. She started telling me that he did not need a sucker but grandma's can do that. When Karen calls I usually have a 2-3 minute opportunity to talk. She says what is on her mind and then says well talk to you later. I know she has fifteen kids to watch but hey, doesn't she realize that it takes my mind that long to come out of hibernation? So after she hung up I found myself wishing I was there to hug Antonio and also to hug Karen.
I try to call Karen but I might try 15 times before I get through to her. Saturday morning she called again and said that Dorian and Sandra were watching kids and she and Olivia were into town to get thanksgiving goodies before they were gone. She was at store and asked how to do a pumkin pie. Asked what they had and she said that they found a can of pumkin pie and a graham cracker crust. She asked if she could just pour it in and be done. (For those of you worrying, don't Dorian can cook.) Explained to her to follow directions on the can. She asked how to make rolls when she couldn't find frozen dough. Advised her to call Joyce for that one. See, you see where she gets it. They did find turkey and potatoes though so they won't starve.
Then Sunday I got another call from Marvin telling me in English that Karen was good not bad. Then he gave phone to Karen. She told me that Marvin asked how she called grandma nita and she evidently gave him the one number programmed in for me. He took her phone and left. After he was done talking to me he let me talk with Karen for a moment but she was busy fixing quesidillas for supper. I mean how much trouble can that be? I mean so what if it is for fifteen kids and at least three adults? Well she was gone and I did call and leave message for Joyce letting her know that Marvin had asked about Grandma Joyce. I miss the kids and my heart yearns for my daughter but this too is part of the journey.....
Monday, November 19, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Friday Evening
Well I want to continue my story of the trek home. When we arrived at Washington DC Dulles Airport it was 1am and we went through customs, picked up our checked bags and proceeded to area to drop back off the checked baggage. Well it was closed. No one there. Asked a lady sitting nearby and she answered something but unsure what she said or what language she used. We followed the path of those before us and ended up in the lower level. there was an information desk, no one there. In fact there was no employees anywhere. We walked up and down the area hoping to find some sign noting what we should do next. Eventually a janitor stopped us and asked in a thick Jamaican accent if we were looking for the elevator and he told us how to get there. Sounded good to us. We took the elevator up to ticketing area and sure enough all counters except Taca were closed. No one to ask, no signs as to what to do. We did find a couple and asked them what process we needed to follow. They told us that we would need to wait until 4am when ticket counters open and then check in at United to recheck our baggage. So back downstairs we went to find a seat to wait and hopefully some food to eat. I had little to eat that day as I didn't want to eat much before flying and then on the plane they served pasta, bread and cookies and a corn relish. I was able to eat corn relish. oh and I did have that stale 3 musketeers bar in San Salvador. So back downstairs in Washington DC. there was one shop open. The only thing that I could eat at this shop was a rice crispie treat for 4.50. Truth be known, I shouldn't eat it, as the rice crispies do have some gluten in them. I at maybe a dollar's worth of it and drank a cup of orange juice. My stomach was not feeling better. I tried to sleep and still keep track of my luggage to no avail. Finally, 4 am came and we trudged back upstairs and there was a line waiting for United to open. After standing in line we went to ticket counter to find out that the people standing there could or would only tell you to use the kiosks for self check in. so we tried...Well they needed confirmation number....we had boarding passes and did not see any confirmation number. At this point we were prompted to pick up a phone and through several questions, were given confirmation number. Entered this and it printed another boarding pass. Handed the boarding pass to lady behind counter and asked her to take the baggage. She stated that she needed the bags tagged and that we needed to check in kiosk again. Well there was no option at kiosk to get the bags tagged and they already were tagged. United just needed to take them again! After several questions the lady finally called for a supervisor and after explaining again that we came to airport after baggage pickup following customs was closed. He told us to proceed to end of United counter to the B3 luggage screener. Well we went to where this machine was, no one around. We went around it and passed three gentlemen sitting on a window ledge. We went back and found another custodian at the B3 luggage screener. He assured us that we needed to walk back around the machine to leave bags. Well it seemed to me that we walked back and forth a few times before we finally followed a couple and when they approached where the three men were sitting, one of the men jumped up and took their luggage. So we followed suit and he took ours. I would never have guessed that he was an employee of United. So now we were free of extra baggage and went through security screening. That went okay after waiting in line for a while. Oh I forgot to mention that the neither boarding pass had the gate that our flight would take off at. Asked at the United counter and they didn't know. After making it through screening was able to check a screen that finally listed the gate. So we go through the door marked for gate A6 and then the "room" which is really a large bus like transportation took us to the correct terminal. There we sat and watched the first tv since we left home. Evidently not much had happened as OJ was still the topic of conversation. Tried to sleep some more but to no avail. Then they called for flight to Columbus and also flight to Charlottesville and somehwere else at same gate. So we were in line to board with other people going other places. After we exited the terminal there were four planes, two on each side. and this was after walking out on concrete and we had to ask which plane was going to Columbus and climbed the steps to the plane. I asked the stewardess where plane was headed just to make sure. It was very foggy and we waited for a long time on runway, in fact the next thing I knew was when a voice over loudspeaker announced that we were beginning our descent to Columbus. I actually slept through takeoff and most of flight... Hard to imagine but I was dead tired. As we taxied to the back of Columbus airport I called my daughter Lisa to see if she was nearby to pick us up. Once again we were let out onto the tarmac or concrete and had to walk to the terminal. By the time we actually walked to baggage our bags were already there...As soon as we drug them off the merry go round. Lisa was there with chocolates wrapped in purple ribbon. Is she a sweetie or what? So we then drove two more hours and we were home. Dead tired but home.
Went back to work the next day and now after my second day back at work I get a weekend to rest up. And guess what? My true baby, my youngest, Brian comes home from college for one week Thanksgiving Break. I can't wait to see him.. And I haven't forgot the children. Tonight as I arrived home, I got a call from Karen and on the phone was Antonio saying" Grandma Nita, poo poo in el bano. Well I was excited because he had used the bathroom and was proud to tell me. I directed Karen to give him a "bon bon" (sucker) for his success and he kept asking Donde esta my bon bon? He wanted to know where this sucker was and how he would get it from me. So this small journey is over, but who know what the next one will be? Every day is a journey, make sure you are headed the right direction. and remember, you must be the change that you want to see in life......
Went back to work the next day and now after my second day back at work I get a weekend to rest up. And guess what? My true baby, my youngest, Brian comes home from college for one week Thanksgiving Break. I can't wait to see him.. And I haven't forgot the children. Tonight as I arrived home, I got a call from Karen and on the phone was Antonio saying" Grandma Nita, poo poo in el bano. Well I was excited because he had used the bathroom and was proud to tell me. I directed Karen to give him a "bon bon" (sucker) for his success and he kept asking Donde esta my bon bon? He wanted to know where this sucker was and how he would get it from me. So this small journey is over, but who know what the next one will be? Every day is a journey, make sure you are headed the right direction. and remember, you must be the change that you want to see in life......
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
I'm home!
To say that I am tired or sleepy is an understatement. Yesterday around 2:30p Karen and Dorian and me and Joyce started the trip to Teguc and our flight. I bought a beautiful purple vase around 3 feet tall. Well I had been assured that I could have it wrapped an put it in overhead carryon. I only have one checked bag this way as I was bringing little home. Well we got in line to check in at Taca and Karen asked Dorian to have my vase shrinkwrapped. They did an excellent job and it even had a shrink wrapped handle and fragile stickers everywhere. Well when we got up to check in I was told that I could not take the vase on board. The sized didn't matter, it was that it was "clay" After the supervisor walked off the clerk helping me told me to go put it in a bag where they could not tell that it was a clay vase and take it on. I opted not to, as this was the first of three flights and I did not have the energy to argue everytime. So Karen now has my beautiful vase. She said she would leave it shrink wrapped so if anyone else has luggage some time to bring it on. I think she just doesn't want this purple vase with gold splatters in her apartment. Jen might feel the same when she gets back. I took the news that my new treasure would not accompany me home pretty well but then the clerk said that the weather was really bad and an earlier flight to San Salvador had been cancelled and it was probable that mine would at least be delayed if not cancelled. I walked away from the counter and she had to call me back to give me my boarding pass. Once it was time to come home, I wanted to come home. now.....We paid our exit fees (does anyone understand these?) then went upstairs to screening. Karen and Dorian told us that they would wait to see if the flight left before they headed back to Santa Ana. This worried me because the children were left with some persons that had not had a lot of hands on contact with them. Karen was afraid that if our flight was cancelled that there would not be another until the next am. Well God decided that Honduras was done with us for now, as our plane left on time. We arrived in San Salvador almost as quickly as we took off. As soon as landed the search was on for chocolate and one small bar had three candy bars, well we bought two of them and a bottle of water. We then went to our gate and had to go through a carry on search to get to our gate. We could take the water we bought in the airport but we had to take the lid off, the thinking was that we would have to drink it before we boarded. Well inside this gate area, you could buy bottled water and keep your lid. Does anyone know if there is black market for bottled water lids? Finally we boarded out next flight; from San Salvador to Washington DC. Taca airlines totally impressed me and the planes were newer, cleaner, employees kinder and food better than any American airlines that I have flown. The plane was only partly full and after they gave me a gluten laden dinner, I opted to bed down for the flight. I eventually captured an entire row of three and gathered 5-6 pretend pillows that airlines use. After much tossing and turning I finally found a spot and took probably a 30 minute nap. I have to confess that I had a little fun also. While I was sitting in row with Joyce, with one seat between us; Joyce had headphones in and her pillow between she and I so that she could not see me. As she would reach over armrest and adjust her sound (channel and volume) I would either turn channels or volume and her hand would creep back around to adjust. I was laughing out loud and neighbors were looking suspiciously. Finally after 5-6 minutes, Joyce moved to pillow to try to discover why she could not get her audio adjusted and I was busted. I think that is when I decided to move to another row. Well we made it to Washington DC at around 1 am and I simply do not have the energy to keep typing about the Dulles ordeal.....So stay tuned tomorrow for the continuation of the trip home.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
It is about noon and in a couple of hours I will head to the airport. I have packed and my biggest issue now is with a vase that I bought that I will try to take as a carry-on. It was too pretty not to get...it is purple. My stomach is somewhat upset but it may be from my nerves. We fly out of Honduras at 5p and then to El Salvador and then to Washington DC and will arrive there around midnight. Then we do not catch flight to Columbus until tomorrow morning early. Never been through customs in DC before but at midnight it should not be too busy. And after all we have plenty of time if there are any problems. Then Lisa will take off work and pick us up at airport and take me to my truck and will begin the two hour drive to home. Home is such a comforting word and it beckons me. The children here at Casa are making this their home and I pray that they find the safety and comfort here that they so desperately need. I was sad last night and while I will cry at airport at final good bye, I am not so tearful today, just ready to get the trip home behind me. Breakfast this morning was fresh watermelon and pineapple, a perfect breakfast. The weather is cool with sun breaking through and at times some sprinkles. I was afraid that Karen could not go to airport with me but Marc and Terri told her and Dorian to go. I think they are worried about the kids but they will be fine. It is the adults that should be concerned about. (just kidding) the children are behaving well this am and life is good. Little Antonio came to the apartment this morning to ask grandma nita to go and play with him. Karen denies it but I still think she put him up to it. Maryuri is even more loving today and quite cuddly. Played some tic tac toe with Rudy and it is so neat to see him smile. This boy at times still places his hand over nose as if sniffing glue at times from habit. He is so precious but difficult to reach. So this will be the last post from Honduras but I will add more later...
Monday, November 12, 2007
Monday, Day ?
I have lost track of days now....and tomorrow I leave for home. today my throat is better but a lot of "stuff" in my head and throat. I helped Karen make a chore list where the children are assigned a chore for one week at a time. As it is now they decide daily who will sweep, etc. This way they know what is expected of them and practice it until they get it done well. Tried to think of life skills the children would need someday. Even the little ones will have chores. It ought to be interesting. It was cute to watch Antonio push the laundry basket of dirty clothes to laundry room. He is so tiny! He is really growing on me fast. Not a whole lot going on except Cindy Lou...She called Sandra, a local Honduran lady who help with the children some bad names today. So she was told to sit in a chair well that didn't go well and Cindy and I had several close encounters today. I love this girl with all my heart and I pray that she will find peace and Casa will find a way to hold her responsible lovingly. When she is totally mad she will try to pinch, kick, hit, bite and oh yes, head but. She took me by surprise at one point and got a good head butt in to my jaw.... My teeth rattled. I continue to hold her and sing "Jesus Love You" as I kiss her head and tell her that I love her. It is easy for me knowing that I am going to be here only a short while, but I do not know how Karen, Dorian, Jen and others deal with it day after day. Cindy called me all sort of names and Karen talked with her several times patiently, and lovingly about her choices and she would say that she wishes to be good but can't. A few hours later she was calm for good and went to bed for nap. I got to do boys showers tonight for the last time and it was sort of sad. Antonio did his hiding under the towel wanting me to do the "where's Antonio?" Brayan continues to strut when naked and Fernando continues to put shoes on the wrong foot. wouldn't you think he would get it right 50% of the time? Not him. I think someone taught him wrong because he does it consistently. I will miss this evening ritual. Dorian cooked tonight and made us balliatas?. He even had the local tortilla lady made some special ones for me with no wheat. Is he sweet or what? He cooked a lot of stuff, eggs, bologna, cheese, etc. and makes these. They were really good and then to top it off he made home made french fries from scratch. I have been missing my grease! I think he is a keeper. Cindy told Karen that she would cry for me when I was gone?! I kinda figured she would be doing a happy dance. Mario told me that he would miss me and I asked him who would help him find his underwear after the shower and who would wait for him to climb the shelves in bedroom while naked and he said Karen would have to start doing this. Marvin told me that he would miss me and I warned him that I would call Karen to check on him. He assured me that he would let me know if Karen was misbehaving. While eating supper talked to Dilcia and Dorian a little about going to the states. Dilcia has long wanted to go to US I guess. I would give anything for Dorian to get a Visa. and I dont mean to charge things on. I am ready to go home, to get back in my routine of normal everyday stuff. I am ready to not face beans for breakfast and eat chocolate whenever I want. But tonight is sad because I will not have the good morning kisses of Maryuri and Katty. With sweet Maryuri, she takes your face in her hands and looks you in the eye and smacks you or sometimes just lies her face on hers. I will miss Rudy running by making loud car noises as he "shifts" up and down, I will miss Miss Monica's smile and innocence, Marvin's growl in my face and Mario saying to me in English "Do you have a problem?" Yovani's mischievous grin and his desire to have things in order. I will miss Pamela and Daniela's giggling as they swing together on one swing. Francisco and Fernando playing in the make believe worlds and Brayan being Mr. Cool. I have nicknamed him Senor Slick as he is so slick when he wants something you don't even see it coming. And Fitto, who is different but so kind and sweet. He gave a way all his birthday goodies and when others took them from him he refused to get them in trouble....He put up with eye drops, oral antibiotics, and medicine and bandage for sores on him without uttering one word. I will miss Cindy for she has stolen my heart also, within her is a heart of pure gold and she has the intelligence to go far, I just pray that she finds peace from her past and leads other in righteous things. I will miss Antonio saying Mommy to Karen. I will miss the smiles and goodness I get daily from Dilcia and those that labor here at Casa with her.
But tomorrow this time I will be missing my baby. Karen Diane, my middle child the one who sometimes demands the most and holds me the most accountable. I ache when I am apart from her and I ache at what she does daily. I want to take away the frustrations and despair from her heart. I want to give her all the answers on how to discipline the children. I want to be able to call her every night if I want to and ask how her day was. But I can't. Because she has chosen a life here in Honduras, ministering to los ninos of Casa de Esperanza and I am happy for her because this is her choice and she has found love here with Dorian. So I am glad that I have been able to come and I am glad that I have been able to help a small bit but I miss the rest of my family, talking with them about the day and telling them that I love them. So this time has been a time that I can spend with Karen but I am soon to be on my way home to those that I left, wondering why I just can't have all the people I love in one place. I mean wouldn't we be better off if we were still in horse and wagon times when people you love couldn't move to Honduras, or North Dakota or go to school in Arkansas? I know, I know, it is all good but tonight this mother's heart is sad and wishing I could have it all. Pray for safe travels and rest assured that there are still more tales to tell.
But tomorrow this time I will be missing my baby. Karen Diane, my middle child the one who sometimes demands the most and holds me the most accountable. I ache when I am apart from her and I ache at what she does daily. I want to take away the frustrations and despair from her heart. I want to give her all the answers on how to discipline the children. I want to be able to call her every night if I want to and ask how her day was. But I can't. Because she has chosen a life here in Honduras, ministering to los ninos of Casa de Esperanza and I am happy for her because this is her choice and she has found love here with Dorian. So I am glad that I have been able to come and I am glad that I have been able to help a small bit but I miss the rest of my family, talking with them about the day and telling them that I love them. So this time has been a time that I can spend with Karen but I am soon to be on my way home to those that I left, wondering why I just can't have all the people I love in one place. I mean wouldn't we be better off if we were still in horse and wagon times when people you love couldn't move to Honduras, or North Dakota or go to school in Arkansas? I know, I know, it is all good but tonight this mother's heart is sad and wishing I could have it all. Pray for safe travels and rest assured that there are still more tales to tell.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Sunday, Day 10
I woke up during the night with a very bad sore throat. It really hurt to swallow. Unsure if I am catching what Karen and Dorian had or maybe it was a result of a new illness called beanitis. Too many beans within too few days can cause the gas to make throat swell. I know I read about it somewhere. Got up around 8:30 and had a cup of hot cocoa which helped some. Then I started on Hall's Fruit Breezers....the girls have mucho of them and they help the throat. We then went to church and believe it or not Antonio came and sat on MY lap even though Karen and Dorian were present. He and I did get in trouble though with Karen by giggling. After church we began the journey within the journey; To teguc to have dinner with fifteen children and then find a pair of shoes for them each. So we have two vehicles; a land cruiser and a pickup truck. Into the land cruiser go Marc, Joyce and fourteen children. yep that is right, and oh I forgot Olivia a volunteer from Athens Ohio who is here to help for two months. In the truck was Karen and myself and Antonio. Now for the back of the truck; Terri (Marc's wife), Dorian, Noel and his wife and the student from Baxter, his wife and little girl. The trip in was ok (but I was up front) and I loved to hear Antonio keep saying:Mommy, pass that bus, or Mommy, go faster except in Spanish. He kept begging her to use the horn and Karen complied. It is really hard to tell Antonio no. We got to Church's Chicken and Lori Connel was there so she joined us. I went next door to Burger King to get something without gluten....When I returned to Church's, I sat with Cindy, Fernando, and Antonio. It went fine for about 15 seconds..Fernando spilled his drink all over the table. We were snatching food and running from our chairs. The lady who worked there told us she would clean it up but we needed to change tables. Then I ended up at a table with Dorian, Antonio and Maryuri. For two little ones, they suck every piece of meat possible from those chicken bones. Then the children wanted to play on inside playground. Eventually it was time to go and we went to the mall and a store there for shoes. We walked into mall and the first store on left was the one we wanted. So I stood guard over twelve ninos at a time while they would take in three at a time to buy them shoes. The children were lined up in front of store display window. There was a Dunkin Donuts there so I bought each of them a donut to keep them busy while they waited. What was I thinking to add sugar to this already dangerous mix? One by one they exited the store with big grins on their faces. Finally we were done and they all had to go to bathroom. Dorian got to change Antonio's stinky diaper. I am convinced that the only way Antonio stays so little is that he poops everything out continuously. Well there was no toilet paper in the girls bathroom so we had the boys to bring some out of theirs to share...Finally, we were ready to go home. Marc suggested that Karen and I take the trooper with the children so we could get them home. He was to stop at Price Mart for cake and ice cream to celebrate Fitto's birthday. Sounded good in theory, right? Well it began by Karen driving and me in passenger's front seat with Maryuri and Antonio on my lap. In the back seat was Olivia, Pamela, Daniela, Katty and Monica and the boys were in the back. I remember when my kids were little to try to keep them awake in the car so that they would sleep when they got home, try that times 15? Then Mario got sick and had to exit the vehicle quickly. Once everyone was back in (you should know that one child does not get sick without others suddenly feeling just as sick) we could not go...I mean the vehicle would barely move. On closer inspection; it appeared that during the quick exodus of vehicle some buttons got pushed on console, such as winter traction, etc. Once the buttons were all back to normal we were off again. Cindy would not sit down Katty would not stay awake, Mario and Rudy were bouncing up and down like rubber balls and Maryuri and Antonio were not very pleased with each other in such close proximity. Now by now the sun is shining in the window onto me, Antonio and Maryjuri and I am burning up even with airconditioning. Maryuri tells Cindy that she is cold and she is passed a sweatshirt to put on. I refused to put it on her and she was not happy. Karen said that if Maryuri was cold then I should give it to her, but I was raised that a child was only cold if the mother was cold and when the mother was cold then the child put on a jacket whether they were cold or not. We passed two police stops and we were not pulled over either time. Mario was sick again and we were almost home. Pamela insisted that she was also sick while Karen was taking Mario out again and she had the back door open. I was sure right then and there that all of the children would flee and we would never see them again. I was wrong. They all were safely back in vehicle just in time for Karen to brake to miss a dog and Mario to hit his head on dash. By then he was also in front so he would not throw up more and to allow for easy access. At my left elbow now was Rudy who had made his way from the back to near front. Part way down the lane, one more stop for sick kids. Then we pulled in the gate and I sang out loud; Free at last, Free at last, Thank God almighty, free at last. The children lay down for a short while and then Joyce and I opted to start supper. Actually some rotini was already cooked but we had to warm it up, make garlic bread, and cut up some cucumber, tomatoe and onion and mixed them with mayonaise....It was kinda good. Well even though I tried to hide behind the kithen counter, Dorian found me and said that Karen needed me to start the showers for the girls and he would keep an eye on supper. I found Karen and bartered with her to take the boys instead. There are more of them but I know the game plan with them. Well, be careful what you ask for.. ...They were all in rare form tonight and I was about to lose my cool. But then when I carried Antonio out of the shower and lay him on his bed while I turned to get his pampers, I turned around and he was completely covered by his towel. I asked, Donde Antonio? and he jerked the towel off and shouted Aqui! and giggled for all he was worth. He made me smile when I needed a smile. Of course we played this game a while longer with he covering himself up and me not being able to find him. The biggest issue with bath time was the daily fight for certain underwear. They will hide a pair somewhere where no one else will find them so that they get that certain pair. Supper was mass pandemonium to say the least. Everyone was hitting everyone and no one was happy. They put their new shoes on for pictures and then it was time for Fitto's birthday cake and ice cream. By then at least 3 was sent to their room and it was quite a joyous affair. After that when they went to watch a movie, Cindy decided that we had not had enough adventure for one day and went berserk. Once again to save Karen's energy for after I am gone, I sat with Cindy until she agreed to go lie in her bed. Then it was off for me to the apartment to swallow throat lozenzes and pour out my heart to you all. I am ready to come home but I am getting sad at the though of leaving Karen and Dorian. I have came to know Dorian better and my heart aches for both of them. I want Karen happy more than anything and Dorian adores her but it is so hard leaving them and not know where their future lies. I cannot imagine doing what they and others do, day after day. It is truly a God thing because it is humanly impossible. Now that i have traversed the road from insanity to sadness at getting ready to leave my baby; I will leave you with these words of wisdom; God is in control whether it is readily apparent or not...buenas noches.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Saturday, Day 9
What a day! The kids slept in a little. I woke to the sound of vacumning at 8a I found myself wondering which Honduran lady had lost her mind and started cleaning so early! It was just Joyce. You see after a while you can't take it anymore....Not that the apartment is dirty, it just doesn't meet the same standards and eventually it gets you. We went over to the kids side and they got up to find presents under the Christmas tree from Joyce. Yes the tree was put up yesterday and that is not uncommon here. They ate quickly and were very joyful of all that they received. In fact they wondered why the stockings were not filled. Karen explained that this was not their Christmas yet just some gifts from Grandma Joyce. Daisy was here and fixed breakfast of cornflakes with hot milk. I passed on it. In fact my stomach has not done so well today...sorta gurling and begging for chocolate. Oh and Katty is having problems with wetting the bed and last night she wet her bed, got up changed clothes then got in Monica's bed, wet it and then got up and changed her clothes again and got in Pamela's bed, which yep, she wet also but morning came before she wet in any more beds. Watched children outside some and I sat in hammock and several children took turns sitting with me. Antonio sat with me awhile and then stood and passed a frisbee back and forth to me. When I missed he would giggle and this was the first time that Antonio was totally himself with me. He giggled belly giggles and I will post a pic if I can. I passed on lunch my stomach was still a little strange feeling. I came and lay down a little but then fixed a baked potato in microwave. It tasted alright but still didn't feel too good on stomach. The kids played outside most of day. Then five oclock came and it was shower time. I am starting to get the hang of showering the nine boys. The older ones are so modest, wrapping the towel around their waist going to the shower, but after the shower, they don't seem to care and even enjoy strutting naked. They are so funny. Antonio has only cried for me one night in the shower so I consider that a small miracle. Cindy was giving Karen a rough time today so I took over as Cindy wears you out totally. She eventually wears out and gives up. For supper we had scrambled eggs, beans and fried bologna. I opted for a small plate of eggs only. Stomach is feeling somewhat better. Then the fun began.. it was Mario's turn to wash dishes and he was not doing it well. In fact he was throwing the dishes and wouldn't wash them. Karen took him to put in el corral and he threw a fit. He and Cindy can really act out and become violent towards the disciplinarian. Well once again, because I know I can go home soon, I decided to sit with Mario he relented and agreed to go limpiar the cocina so off we went for around 1.5 minutes until he threw the clean forks on the floor not once but twice. So off we went again to sit on floor. He tried his raspy voice and yelled loud enough for anyone in Santa Ana to hear that I was hitting him. Eventually he calmed down and asked if he could go clean. Once again we got up and it was requested that he hang up some coats in the hallway that had fallen down. (the kitchen was clean by then) Then he was asked to straighten out the shoes in cubbys and he refused so it was back to the floor for the two of us. I told him that there were no more chances, it was either floor or to his bed. His two older brothers came to us at different times imploring him to be good. Mario told Yovanni that I had hit him and Yovanni just shook his head no. Marvin told me that he would tell their mother that Mario was bad for me. Eventually Mario asked to go to bed. If you know Mario, you know this does not happen often. So he went to bed and lay down while I sat beside him. Well at one point Antonio came in and needed assistance to use bathroom so I went with him and sure enough when I came back Mario was up. And I had told Mario before I left that if he got up, it was back to the hall floor for him and me. Yep so there we were for another ten minutes before he begged to be let lay in his bed. As I sat beside him I could not help but wonder how he could be so stubborn so as to not listen and not do the thing that he knows will cause consequences that he does not want. And then it hit me....how many times do I do that and how many times has my heavenly father sat there shaking his head wondering when I will get it?
After the children were in bed, we played cards. Dorian taught us a game and then we played rummy and yep I came in last but I think Karen cheated. Dorian did not want to play rummy as it is hard for him to remember, he says as he beats all of us......It is now almost midnight and Karen beat me to bed so I will close by saying buenas noches.
And please pray for us that we will have the the strength we need not to board a plane tommorrow when we are in Teguc. A previous team sent money for the children all a brand new pair of shoes so the plan is for after church to go to Teguc and eat out and get shoes for each. I have offered to stay home and clean house but it is doubtful that they will let me. Good nite...
After the children were in bed, we played cards. Dorian taught us a game and then we played rummy and yep I came in last but I think Karen cheated. Dorian did not want to play rummy as it is hard for him to remember, he says as he beats all of us......It is now almost midnight and Karen beat me to bed so I will close by saying buenas noches.
And please pray for us that we will have the the strength we need not to board a plane tommorrow when we are in Teguc. A previous team sent money for the children all a brand new pair of shoes so the plan is for after church to go to Teguc and eat out and get shoes for each. I have offered to stay home and clean house but it is doubtful that they will let me. Good nite...
Friday, November 9, 2007
Marvin and Me
Friday, Day 8
I have tried several times to upload photos, but can not get them to go. I will keep trying though. Today it is still windy but it is finally warm....probably 70....and sunshine........I needed that mucho mucho. I got up around 7 but Dorian had already fixed the children breakfast of beans and montequila or sorta sour creme. Dorian had a meeting at the elementary school at 10 and Karen went to final day and party for kindergarden at Kindergarden. Cindy did not go as she was suffering consequences of yesterday's choices. I have tried to tell them that choices have consequences but they are slow on learning to repeat it. I have been reading "How to make children mind without losing yours" in stolen moments it is good stuff. Since my mind is no longer in danger, I am free to make them mind however. I helped Fernando get dressed up for the dinner at kinder and he was so cute.. I will try to post pics of he, Daniela and Monica if it works. Around 11 the first graders came home and then a little later, there came second grade boys; Rudy, Yovani and Brayan. But where was Pamela? I became a little concerned as they told me that she was walking home alone when they last saw her. Brayan accompanied as we walked to the school to find Pamela. Finally at the school we found her. She had started home and when the boys ran off she walked for awhile and then turned and went back to school where she knew Dorian was for a meeting. yes he was still there.....Now those that have been here may disagree with me but it sure felt like the walk to school was at least five miles long. Anyways, Dorian asked me to take Pamela and Saul (Daisy's boy) home alone with Brayan. As soon as Dorian walked back into the meeting; Pamela's face took on the look of the devil and she promptly sat down. With much pleading, pulling and then down right threatening to tell Dorian and Karen if she did not go with me she relented and said "NO" Well the fight was on. I pulled and she pulled the other way but after I drug her about 1/4 mile she realized that she was too far to walk back to Dorian if I left her. From then, she lovingly held my hand and walked calmly the rest of way home. Brayan and Saul followed. As we walked past the shops etc. I wished I had my camera but the locals may have not likes their pic being taken by gringo. Karen had taken camera to kinder to take pics. As we walked by the meat stand, I am taken aback at the side of meat hanging in front and links and links of sausages hanging there. How do they keep them from the wild dogs or children? Not to mention the flies.......Every other shop sells "coca" which is any cola. The smells from the Puposa? are mouthwatering but sure not something I would eat. Finally arrived back to Casa and Karen called and said that she would be another hour with their dinner and yep, Dorian was still in his meeting. At least with us being here, Dorian could attend the parents meeting and Karen could attend the festivities of kinder. She said Monica kept taking her to everyone and introducing her as her mom. Oh, and the plants the older kids took to school? well I could see that they had planted them in the school yard so the plants were evidently for landscaping the school. Dennis is "mowing" the grass, by using machete while on his knees. Karen called again and asked that I go over and get Mario as his kinder was over but not the other three. So I have my exercise in for today. Lunch was chicken, rice and cucumbers and tomatos. The cucumbers here are long and slender, perfect size. I think Dorian is cooking tonight.....he won't tell us what. He did finally get home about 1 and then left at 2 to visit people of the church. Marc and his wife went to town and I asked Karen to call and ask them to bring me home a chocolate bar....I am reduced to eating marshmallows to satisfy my sweet tooth. Karen got a call a while ago from Noel and he and his wife are headed back to Santa Ana..For some reason they could not get through customs....Cindy would not sleep so she is in el corral again. She is such a leader if God can use those that love her to channel it in a good way. All the older kids did good on their last exams. and I think the older ones all passed, they were unsure about Fitto at one point. You know I think I like it here, this is the first place that being fat is a good thing. I guess it means I am rich enough to get fat , but they do not know that it is just poor eating habits. I have found some neat things to buy here so I am asking all my familia to not buy ANYTHING else for themselves between now and Jan. 1. Because if I find something and then you already bought it then I will be very "triste" I have also been shopping online, that you can do anywhere......I am tired but it is a good tired. I started to say that I would have to go back to work to rest but was afraid that this post would show up at work. There are definitely stresses here but different kinds....ones of the moment like how to get children to share of listen or to convince them of my wisdom. wait that does sound like my work?????I only checked news from home once and sure enough, one of my clients a 70 year old was arrested, for I think something like a fugitive from justice....And I have this real need to check obits to see if any of my clients have died....sort of morbid huh? But when you work with the elderly, the obits are important. Well the children are up from naps and I gotta go. May God Bless each of you as he has me by giving me this opportunity to witness his love here....
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Thursday,day seven
I slept in this morning as Dilcia had spent the night and she gets breakfast while Karen and Dorian get the kids ready. I got up at 7:30 and went to help. We had fresh fruit for breakfast and I loved it. It is a little warmer today but not much, still windy. Older children are studing a lot for their end of year exams. Dorian had to go to kindergarten meeting today and then he called Karen to send someone after the children as he was still in meeting. I went and got the five and they promptly change clothes and go play. The first and second graders have not stayed at school for more than a couple hours since I have been here. An hour later, Dorian was still in meeting and called that they need a chicken from Casa for the dinner tomorrow. Last friday was supposed to be last day but they decided to end it tomorrow. And Karen has to take a wrapped gift for each of our five and the teacher will give it to them from Santa Claus. I know that is what I thought, crazy! As for three older boys they have to bring in a plant tomorrow for their exam. Yep, a plant or tree for the teacher. Dilcia said that one time her son had to bring in two concrete blocks and if everyone did that then the teacher would have enough for a house. Yovanni has more than half of a workbook that he is to have done by tomorrow....Teachers appear to wait and then make them do everything at last. And Yovanni is one to do his work, so he is not behind. The schools constantly want fees, small but continuous. It would really be nice if a teacher could be hired for here at Casa. Cindy was back to her old tricks today, had to recall my training in passive restraints.....I do not know how (but for God) that Karen does this day after day. Cindy was trying to bite me, pinch, hit, kick anything. While restraining her I sang Jesus Loves You and she just went limp and told me that she would be good and go to bed for nap without her lunch. I have to think the words pierced her heart but it may have just been that I found the right motivation for her to be good! (my singing) Life is hectic here, Noel the minister is back from Nic. and is loading the truck to move. Dorian visits church families most afternoons and has youth groups on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Prayer Service on Wednesdays. I did not get my hair cut before coming here and this wind, etc is driving me crazy..so I went and did something crazy....Dorian took me to a local lady who cuts hair and mine is now gone.....She used the clippers and scissors but the only scary part was when she used the straight razor...She actually was very good. She cut my hair in her kitchen where there is no running water just buckets to wash in...It was a good price; $1. who knows what risk taking thing I might try tomorrow? I am old an tired and the busy, busy is catching up to me. I lay on couch in the playroom waiting to see if Cindy went to sleep and I fell asleep. Now I just feel yucky. It is time for the children to start baths so I need to end. If I get a chance this evening I will post a pic of me and Karen with my new hair cut. Please feel free to pass this blog address on to anyone who could get a laugh out of this old woman....
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Wednesday, Day 6
I am tired. The day began again at 6:30a. In charge of breakfast again and was able to make oatmeal and toast for the ninos. It is still cold but no rain today and some sun. the wind is very strong. Joyce went to visit a family that she has helped financially. Melissa Kluge came to get her around 1oam. Then Marc asked Karen and Dorian to go with he, his wife and the minister that is leaving and his wife to eat at lunch. They left at 11:15 and were back at 2p. That left Me, Olivia who just got here, Sandra, a Honduran lady that helps with children twice weekly and Dilcia. And of course Dilcia has laundry and food to fix. Sandra worked with the four not in school and I tried my hand at making a chart on a white board for chores. Hopefully they can use it to assign chores for a week at a time and the children can look and know what they will be responsible for that week. Then once again the children dribbled in from school. They never seem to stay the whole time. Second graders had good grades on their papers. Fitto was especially happy as he came in middle of year and has really struggled. I tried to assist Dilcia with lunch but mostly just watched as she made pasta with a salsa stirred in, beans, and guacamole. (She figured she needed to use them before I watched Mario in the kitchen again). Her guacamole is fantastic and out of this world. I would love a bowl to sit down with some chips with but it disappears fast. After this it was nap time and I got the boys. Nine little boys...well the first one, Fernando would not stop jumping on bed and talking. I gave him one more chance and yep you guessed it he ended up in "el corral". I think he will believe my threats next time! I lay down with Antonio and he went to sleep quickly. As I got up from his bed I saw that he still had his chewable vitamin in his little hand....So much for me watching them...Mario wanted me to lay down with him, and he even conceded to lay on another bed (his is upper bunk) I think he knew he might never get me down again. He had me rub his back, his head and I was almost asleep. In the room with me and Mario were Fitto above me and Antonio, Brayan, and Yovani.Only Antonio and Brayan went to sleep. In the other boys room were Rudy, Marvin and Francisco. Remember Fernando had already been sent to the corral. In this room only Francisco was asleep. It took everything I had to stay awake until the boys went to sleep. Yep, that is right they did not sleep. Karen and Dorian came home and I was up. The afternoon was sort of choppy, some doing homework, some outside playing and some inside playing. The wind was so strong, the little ones had trouble standing up in it. Eventually they came in and we started showers. I got the boys (I see a trend here) Trying to keep them moving, ie bringing one in and while he is in shower, getting another one and then when one gets out giving him lotion and helping find pjs that are not several sizes too small or too big. Antonio stayed in shower through 3-4 other boys but eventually got out. I gave him his "crema" 2-3 times and helped him get dressed. I put his socks on and he threw a fit because I did not give him crema for his feet. Well guess what? He visited el corral at this point (No, Fernando was not still in it, Dorian had saved him earlier). Rudy was having fun with us and made his bed to look like he was in it but it was just clothes...He got us all on this one...As for other disciplines....Yovani for yelling at Karen, Rudy for yelling at Karen and I think that wraps it up. Oh and I forgot another one for Antonio for throwing another fit when it was time to come in and he was not allowed to bring in his "outside toy". Mario once again took forever getting dressed and Brayan also seemed to want to linger while getting dressed....But finally they were all clean and smelling very loveable. I walked out to kitchen to fold clothes and Dorian told me to go to apartment and rest as he would do whatever was needed until he needed to go to church at 7p. I tried arguing but he insisted that he "rested" while he was visiting people in the church that afternoon. I am beginning to like him more, all the time...So off I went and I am sitting in apt. typing this blog after trying to get on internet for around 30 minutes. Oh I forgot to tell you that while we were fixing breakfast we lost electric in kitchen. I thought here we go again, but we had just tripped a breaker...Guess you can't run everything in kitchen at once....what a gringo I am. I need to go back over and sit with kids as they play and watch their movie.......Life is good and these children are truly a gift from God (even if they do spend time in Corral). If anything else happens between now and bedtime I will add it..
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Today was a different sort of day, very cold and very windy. I woke up around 6am to the sound of rain on the metal roof, (it may have just been sprinkling) but it sounded fierce. I worked on a couple blogs and then went over to help with the children. Went with Karen to take the older ones to elementary school and then came back and walked the kinder garden kids to school. Joyce and I then watched the four little ones while Dorian worked on notes for a Bible study and Karen was meeting with a new volunteer who arrived yesterday for a two month stay. Four children three and under I can handle .....barely. Antonio is quite spoiled and what he wants, he expects. Well he decided to empty out Katy's "kitchen utensils" that she was playing with, not once but twice. I told him to pick them up the second time and he very smugly told me "NO!" well I know the magic words and all I had to do was mention "el corral" and he began picking up Katy's stuff. El corral is the playpen and Antonio does not like to be placed in it. Joyce and I decided to cook tonight and give them an American meal. Menu was cornflake crumb chicken, fried potatoes, corn fresh rolls and no bake cookies. Dilcia and her sister were here cooking, cleaning and laundry. It is still raining and very very cold. Did I say it is cold? And there is no heat, nada, nothing. They had a pan of beans cooking on stove and I found myself holding my hands over it to stay warm. Around 1p the electric went off and the fun began. Well I thought I had it made because stoves are gas or propane, right? well the only oven on the premises is in the girls' apartment. Still figuring it is fine, but then Karen said that the oven won't work without electric because it's controls are electric digital. It was too cold outside for the children and no lights inside. Joyce made bread and I peeled what seemed like 60 lbs of potatoes. Then I cut up chicken and Joyce made no bakes. Still no electric. The door was open to let in light but in with the light came the wind and did I mention that it is cold here? It got darker and darker and the children blended into dark shapes blending into the furniture. For those who had a bone to pick, now was the time to smack and run and no one could see who did what to whom. Mario had homework and did not sleep during nap or do homework. Well, I got the bright idea to bring him into the kitchen where he could sit at the bar and work on his homework and this would keep someone else from having to watch him. He simply doesn't do something if he doesn't want to. Through coaxing, pleading, threatening and begging, he completed two letters; Vv that was all and he only had five pages left. Somewhere along the way I was keeping a sharp eye on him but failed to notice what he was doing with his feet. Under the counter there are bins of produce and while Mario sat there for 1-2 hours he dug his toes into ripe avocados, yep you heard right, two letters and three avocados later the electric was not on yet. By then we were reduced to flashlights and rounding up Cindi and Yovani and the ones that were most likely to attack. At this point I took a candle and went in search of a missing nino. Didn't find them but when came back into dining room I found the children's eating table with my shin. Eventually (around 6:30 the electric came back on and we began supper. Finally after supper I asked permission to come to apartment and blog. (This activity is hard on an old woman) Karen said she was not the boss so I promptly asked Dorian he gave me the ok to split. So I took a shower, did I say it was cold here? and wrapped up to blog. My day is over and I am wondering if I helped or caused more work for them all. I am tired but I am thankful that there is this place called Casa de Esperanza and it it making a difference one child at a time..........
Day 4, Monday
Monday was school day and I was up with Karen and Dorian at 6:30. The children get up at 6:45 and get dressed, make beds (some strip their wet beds), and eat. Joyce and I were in charge of breakfast. Karen said to make toast. We made toast, warmed up some scrambled eggs and gave them some pear slices. Sounds easy? well the toast is made in a toaster oven with no handle to open door. And multiply this times 15 children and 4 adults and even simple stuff takes time. I went with Karen as she drove the older four to school approx. 1 mile away. Then we returned to walk the kindergarden students to their school. After that there were four ninos left that were not in school. There is a local lady that comes in a couple days a week to help with children. She was there with the four little ones and there were three cleaning and doing laundry and cooking. So I convinced Joyce that she needed to visit Ojojona. It is just down the road from Casa and it is an old, colonial city with old churchs dating back 3-4 centuries ago. This is where they make a lot of pottery and you can buy it from the people who actually make it. Where several bags later we got called that some of the children were being released from school. It seems there is no such thing as a normal school day. So we began our trip back. I forgot to mention that I got the priviledge of riding in the back of pick up truck to Ojojona. I am fitting in! Soon after arriving home all the children were home and we had lunch. Then naps and then the children wanted to play outside in the frio very frio......winds that are gale force and very cold. Around five I started showers with the boys, and someone with the girls. We made Karen and Dorian go on a date as there was Joyce and me and most importantly; Dilcia and her sister. Dilcia spends the night two nights a week to help with kids. She is such a sweet heart. I feel better knowing Karen in here with Dilcia helping. Her sister wasn't supposed to stay but there a a strike rumored so she spent the night so she could be sure to be here for work. Supper was rice and squash. The children then had chores and then play and around 7 they have quiet time and sit to watch a movie. At eight they begin going to brush teeth and go to bed. I made it back to apt. around 8:30 and jumped in the shower trying not to freeze.
Oh and those showers with the boys,,,,,boy do they have the energy. Mario is like spiderman, climbing the walls, the shelves and every bed while naked (not spider man like) They fight over pjs and some try to wear some that are too small or too big. and they all have to have crema or lotion after shower to put all over body. They smell so good when freshly showered and so pleasant to cuddle with. After having a couple interactions with Cindi she has done well and for the most part behaved. Pamela and me did have an interaction where I took exception with how she talked with Karen. It is interesting. Will try to post some pics later.
Oh and those showers with the boys,,,,,boy do they have the energy. Mario is like spiderman, climbing the walls, the shelves and every bed while naked (not spider man like) They fight over pjs and some try to wear some that are too small or too big. and they all have to have crema or lotion after shower to put all over body. They smell so good when freshly showered and so pleasant to cuddle with. After having a couple interactions with Cindi she has done well and for the most part behaved. Pamela and me did have an interaction where I took exception with how she talked with Karen. It is interesting. Will try to post some pics later.
Day 3, Sunday
Sunday morning Karen woke me up 30 minutes before church. I immediately felt bad because she and Dorian had got all 15 up dressed and fed breakfast and now they were trying to get ready one at a time while the other watched the kids. And Dorian was preaching this morning! He got to church about five minutes before it began. Well I had the fabulous idea of getting a picture of all the kids while they were so well dressed and cute. Well the cute did not last long......trying to get 15 kids on one couch at one time was near to impossible....I will post a pic and me and Joyce with them,, but you have no idea what went into getting that pic. We went to church and took three rows....It was an endless parade of kids wanting to sit on your lap. Services were good and I will post a pic of the church "pews" and also one of Dorian preaching. He did an excellent job and spoke about the spirit and how we often sing of love and happiness while looking sour and angry. He is good and uses a lot of humor in in sermons but most go right over my head with my limited spanish. After church, it started raining and was cold. very cold. At meals times the children are all seated and place their heads on their table and then when all is quiet, one is chosen to lead the others. This child will ask them to place their hands on head, shoulders, etc and then pray. Well Antonio led this prayer after church and tear came to my eyes....He thanked God for Mommy and Poppy (Karen and Dorian) and also name every child and every person present. Antonio is 2 I believe or maybe close to three? Bear with me with this blog as it is still new to me....I got my Saturday night pic at beginning of Sunday, but hey, that is kind how life is here.........We end every day with children getting showers, eating,playing and then quiet time with a movie and bed time! Even brushing teeth is quite an undertaking with all 15. I have learned to smell their breath to tell if they did indeed brush "dente". This was the last day that I slept in and now my days begin at 6:30 same as Karen.......what did I get myself into?
Day 2, Saturday
Saturday was warm and sunny. I played with the children outside on playground. I got to meet the new children that have arrived since last visit. Rudy, Brayan, Fitto, Pamela and Daniella. They are all sweet and lovable. Marvin likes to do tricks with a circle of string, cant remember what is is called but remember doing some of this as a kid. He kept trying to teach me one and he would not let up until I learned it. It was cute as he would say "no, no, no,, diga me..." or watch me. I was ready to give up but he was a tireless teacher. When I finally mastered it he had me practice several times before he would go do something else . Maryjuri is who I see the most change in, she is a little girl now and talks all the time. Her and Katty are so funny. I honestly do not know how Karen and Dorian do what they do! In about 30 minutes of having at least 2-3 children actively wanting something from you at any given time, I was tired. I tried to blame it on jet lag but I think both my mind and body are out of shape! Food is good, I love rice and beans and who would ever think that boiled chicken would taste so good! Diet is mostly rice, beans, eggs, chicken and a squash like veggie. I got to try some tea made from a flower here called Jamaica and it was interesting. I drank mine cold and Joyce drank her hot. It is supposed to be curative for all sorts of health problems,,,,,I think it does this by cleansing your system.....Cindi went with me to the Popouri or local store to buy some Diet Pepsi as I was having headache from lack of caffeine.....They do not carry "light" which is what they call diet here, so I had to go with sugar and caffeine, but it helped me make it through the day. I am attempting to post pics of Marvin and me playing and another of me at end of day watching move with children right before bed....I think the pic shows my functioning level pretty good for Saturday night....
Monday, November 5, 2007
Friday, Day 1
This trip sounded like either an adventure or a fool's trip. I was to leave Columbus, Ohio and 6:15am and fly to Washington DC. Then fly Taca (no, not taco, TACA) airlines to El Salvador. This was my first time at Dulles Airport in DC and also my first time on TACA and my first time in El Salvador. Quite a lot of firsts for an old lady. When I checked in at Columbus, they took a closer look at my carry on bag which was full of approximately 25-30 bars of Ivory soap for the children at orphanage. You know my daughter:) she doesn't want to pay the premium price for soap in Honduras. The trip to DC was quick and uneventful. At DC we had to go outside of security zone and get boarding passes for TACA. Well that means I had to go through security again and have carry on checked again. Well they do not do well in DC with carryons with multiple "bundles" and also did I mention that I had my phone charger cord in there too? Well they say that on xray it appeared the perfect bomb. so they took every last bar out and I had to re pack again. They did not smile much at me:( Boarded TACA and we were off to El Salvador. The really neat "God Thing" was that once we drug our bags into Columbus we did not have to claim and drag again until Honduras. Each one of mine was 50 lbs... Have you ever tried to get a garment bag on your shoulder full of shampoos, etc. that weighs 50 lbs? TACA was awesome and really nice plane and people. We were served breakfast of eggs and potatoes, yogurt and for those that could eat it, a danish and a roll with butter.
Then we reached El Salvador, a runway that appeared out of a lush looking jungle like area. The terminal was small but nice. I had four hours there. I had to buy me an El Salvador tshirt just to prove that I was there! I will try to load a picture that was taken of Joyce and myself in the airport with us in front of a window. An older gentleman stopped and offered to take the picture and I am not sure but what he said something about me not fitting in the picture. Joyce says he would not do that but I know these older guys!
Eventually, after trying to sleep in every imaginable position while still holding onto your bags our flight was called to leave for Honduras. This flight barely got airborne before we were descending again. The plane (Taca) was new and the crew fantastic! It was impossible to see the ground in Honduras with so much clouds and fog and rain. For those who do not know the runway in Tegucigalpa Honduras is very short and makes for interesting landings. This is the only place that everyone claps when the pilot stops before the end of the runway. Joyce was voicing concerns of the visibility (or lack there of) affecting the pilot. I did not have the heart to tell her that the Honduran lady on my other side was praying and crossing herself. The landing was awesome, just like any other landing on a big runway. We were finally in Honduras and my baby was near. We made it through customs in a snap and even found all of luggage! The problem was they would not let us take the cart out this secure area. So after around ten minutes of trying to position our bags so that we could crawl and drag them from secure area of airport out to where there was help, we made it and Karen had sent Marc and a teen Luis and three Casa children; Pamela, Marvin and Rudy. Of course the little children had no problems carrying our luggage! They raise them small but sturdy in Honduras! After about an hour drive we made it to Casa and received and gave hundreds of hugs and kisses. It felt so good to put my arms around Karen and Dorian. Actually Dorian made it to vehicle before Karen! It was dark when we left Columbus and dark when we arrived in Santa Ana but it felt good to be here!
Then we reached El Salvador, a runway that appeared out of a lush looking jungle like area. The terminal was small but nice. I had four hours there. I had to buy me an El Salvador tshirt just to prove that I was there! I will try to load a picture that was taken of Joyce and myself in the airport with us in front of a window. An older gentleman stopped and offered to take the picture and I am not sure but what he said something about me not fitting in the picture. Joyce says he would not do that but I know these older guys!
Eventually, after trying to sleep in every imaginable position while still holding onto your bags our flight was called to leave for Honduras. This flight barely got airborne before we were descending again. The plane (Taca) was new and the crew fantastic! It was impossible to see the ground in Honduras with so much clouds and fog and rain. For those who do not know the runway in Tegucigalpa Honduras is very short and makes for interesting landings. This is the only place that everyone claps when the pilot stops before the end of the runway. Joyce was voicing concerns of the visibility (or lack there of) affecting the pilot. I did not have the heart to tell her that the Honduran lady on my other side was praying and crossing herself. The landing was awesome, just like any other landing on a big runway. We were finally in Honduras and my baby was near. We made it through customs in a snap and even found all of luggage! The problem was they would not let us take the cart out this secure area. So after around ten minutes of trying to position our bags so that we could crawl and drag them from secure area of airport out to where there was help, we made it and Karen had sent Marc and a teen Luis and three Casa children; Pamela, Marvin and Rudy. Of course the little children had no problems carrying our luggage! They raise them small but sturdy in Honduras! After about an hour drive we made it to Casa and received and gave hundreds of hugs and kisses. It felt so good to put my arms around Karen and Dorian. Actually Dorian made it to vehicle before Karen! It was dark when we left Columbus and dark when we arrived in Santa Ana but it felt good to be here!
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