Different kinda day. There is one inspector in Honduras that inspects all 400 childrens' homes and today he came to Casa de Esperanza. They do not show up unannounced, he calls and tells you that you have to come and get him and take him to your childrens home. So Dorian went to Tegucigalpa to get him. I helped Karen a little by cleaning her office and going through their meds to make sure there were no expired meds, The sad part is that the ones that were expired we sent to the local clinic where they can use them. The inspector and his assistant were here for hours and he talked and he talked and he talked. Karen introduced me to him and she told him about my job with the elderly and he had lots of questions for me. I think he talked with Karen more than he inspected. They had some boxed of expired cheerios and the inspector asked if he could have them.
For lunch had rice and from scratch french fries. Only ate 3 fries as I figured it would be a carb overload.
Dorian has asked for his old room mate at Baxter to come and help him with his job as minister. Dorian feels that when he is in school, he does not have the time needed to minister as he should. So he offered his friend part of his salary ($300 monthly) to assist him. So the friend arrived and Dorian was not here, he was on the long drive taking the inspector back to city.
I hung up a few clothes on clothesline only to have Karen scold me for not hanging them correctly. I admit to being out of practice in hanging out clothes. I finished my book today that I had from library and tried to clean Karen and Dorian's apartment a little to help them out as they only had one cook/cleaner working today. I had plans for roasted turkey breast with mashed potatoes and rolls that I brought in my carry on. Well the stove temperture was set and I marked the time. It was supposed to take around 2 hours to cook. I even had the potatoes cut and sitting in pan of water ready to turn on. Karen came to apartment and told me the oven was not on! I did not turn on the propane to the stove so it had set in a cold oven for 1 1/2 hours. so plan B was called for.
Dorian had got a bag of frozen seafood at PriceMart, so decided that this was plan B. Decided to try alfredo sauce on it and cooked some noodles. Also added a can of corn for veggies. The seafood had octopus, squid, mussels, shrimp and snow crab. And the squid and octopus were not chopped fine but very evident with tentacles going everywhere. Well I couldn't eat the noodles but had some on a tostada. The octopus and squid tasted like fishy rubber and you could chew and chew and chew and eventually you just gave up and swallow it. To make it funnier, Dorian's friend ate with us and was very polite but declined seconds. He kept asking, " What is this?" Poor guy.
I got ahead of myself. While I was preparing the turkey breast, Karen was beginning to help the children with homework. There are two local ladies who also help with homework. I do not know how Karen does it. I would have shock collars on them all:) Fernando got a bunch of word wrong at school and he had to write each one correctly several times. Well he was writing several times but not correctly. Ana was working on multiplication tables and kept trying to look back for the answers. So at any one time there are probably 10-12 children trying to complete homework in the kitchen area.
Oh and I forgot about lunch. Doris came from school but never ended up at table to eat. so I went to check on her. She was sitting on commode and told me she had to "poo poo" so I went back to kitchen. A little later one of the girls told Karen that Doris needed more toilet paper. Karen went to check and sure enough, Doris was just beginning her "time of the month" but kept sitting there on the commode unsure what to do. Poor girl. She later was sitting on my lap and kept giggling, I soon knew what the giggling was about. Doris was expelling gas and giggling. But Doris is hard to get upset with.
I took little Josue outside which they were working on homework and Rosie came along. She picked dandelions and gave them to Josue to blow away. It was cute. Now they are saying that all schools are closed tomorrow and Karen is trying to figure out about an appointment tomorrow at hospital secuela.
It was another wonderful day in Honduras