Boda is wedding, so they tell me. Friday night, Feb. 29th I set off to Columbus to spend the night with Lisa before flying to Honduras for Karen's wedding. I thought I had another 12 hours before the craziness began. Wrong! As I was driving on 33 towards Columbus, Karen called me and told me that she needed my passport number because I was going to be a witness for Karen's legal ceremony. So I said ok, I will call you back with it. No way, She needed it now and would wait on phone for it, as the lawyer was waiting at her office for Karen to call her back. So I am pulling off onto shoulder, getting into my luggage getting my passport and trying to read the numbers by the illumination in the vehicle. Karen was spazzing because she called Lisa to get hers but Lisa was at store and not home with her passport number. Well I was able to read my number and Lisa somehow got her number to Karen. And Karen wanted Sharon's passport number because Brian was not 21 yet and could not be a witness. So I am demanding that Sharon tell Karen her passport number as we are sitting along the road and Sharon had no clue as to why it was important but she played along. Well at least we knew we had our passports with us. It was then I realized that it was already beginning. My life is usually pretty crazy but add the word Honduras to it and it goes really haywire. Oh I forgot to tell you Karen called me earlier in the day to tell me that we would have to get 40-50 lbs of coffee beans because.......the coffee beans available in Honduras were the wrong color and did not look right for the decorations that were planned for the wedding. That is why Lisa was at the store....buying coffee beans to take to a country that grows coffee. See what I mean? So I was thankful that I did not have to stop and buy the coffee beans. So we dropped off Kaitlyn (Sharon's granddaughter) in Lancaster at her Jason's and we were ready to roll. As we were heading out the door, Jason told us to take a box with us that Jen had for us. Yep, it was the 150 fortune cookies dipped in pink and brown decorations and their names and date of wedding in side. And I had forgotten all about them...Forgot that Jen was giving them to Karen and Dorian for the wedding present, forgot that I was to pick them up and take them to Honduras.......
So we made it to Lisa's and as I got ready for bed, I realized that I did not have my pajamas that I had lain out to sleep in at Lisa's and did not want to go through the huge pieces of luggage to find the others. So Lisa found me her baggiest, biggest clothes and I went to get a drink and then returned to get ready for bed. I had not only left my pajamas at home, I had lost the ones that Lisa gave me. with Lisa's help we located the ones she gave me. (In the bathroom where I am sure I did not leave them) I had trouble sleeping, always afraid that I would oversleep for a big occasion. We were up at 5a and Lisa dropped us at airport. All my bags were within the weight limit if only by a couple lbs. Oh and the coffee was distributed between three of us so we would not have to answer questions as to importing coffee. The flight to Houston was good and there we met Brian. We ate lunch and then I hurried everyone to the gate because we would probably start boarding in 15-20 minutes....well it eventually dawned on me that Ihad not set my watch back and We had an hour and 15-20 minutes before they even thought about boarding. Sharon and Brian already knew this but just decided not to argue with me at this point. The flight to Tegucigalpa was fine until Sharon overheard the stewardesses talking about the scary landing at Teguc. This was her first flight to Hondo land. Well for the last seemingly miles we flew barely above huts and could look out and see people on hills, eye level with us. And then the fun began, the plane acted much like a plane avoiding tracer fire by alternating wing dips from left to right and just before the wheels touched down, we were vertical to the ground with left wing pointing directly down and out window could see the expressions on Hondurans faces. them immediately we were back horizontal and touchdown with immediate full brake applied. Yes there was applause by all.... We made it through customs and picked up our bags (they evidently had not found the smuggled coffee) :) Karen and her dad were there to help us drag our bags to the car. We then went to a Sams like store for Pepsi light and snacks. Then we went to Tony Romas for supper and then on to Santa Ana. We came very close to the back end of a horse. There were 4-5 in the middle of the road. Oh and we passed probably 5-6 slower moving vehicles going up the mountain. And on these occasions, vehicles are three wide....Karen who in the States is very cautious driver becomes truly honduruan behind the wheel of a vehicle.......Her father was hanging on with both hands and Sharon was yelling in fear..But we arrived safely at Casa. It is always sweet to have the little ones hug my neck and call me grandma nita.......but then since I just had a birthday, Karen taught Mavin to call me "old lady" and try as I might I could not catch him as he ran around their dining table calling "Hello old lady". maybe some night when he is asleep.....It is scary when you plan revenge on 8 year olds. Off to bed and tired as we were, it was a very noisy night. Some type of fruit tree had branches that hang over part of the dorm and they fall off all night long and then there is the rooster that did not receive the proper training from his parents and cock a doodles doos all night yes all night about every 5 minutes.
end of day one in Hondo...